Rescue crab in extremely small shell maybe stuck

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Rescue crab in extremely small shell maybe stuck

Post by Happyhermiehome » Mon Aug 14, 2017 1:26 pm

Hi, I'm new here but have been reading all the info on this site since getting my first rescue crab about 6/7 months ago. Up until yesterday I've had 5 happy healthy hermits in a 50gal with spot on conditions. Then I came a cross an ad for 2 free crabs on Craigslist that was 30 days old and the crabs were very sad looking so I thought I'd better rescue them. I picked them up yesterday from a couple of kids. They are small and in icky chipping painted shell, no spare shells, no climbing things and some weird powdered food and a pre mix jug of questionable salt water with black stuff floating in the bottom. Also they have been kept in like 1/4 to 1/2 inch or Reptisoil which looks just like potting soil but says on the bag it's for reptiles,turtles,frogs and crabs. the larger of the 2 seems okay though he's in a painted shell that is a tad small and a tad pale. The second smallest crab I'm very concerned for! she's in an insanely tiny painted shell and appears to be stuck. I don't think by paint though just that her poor bum grew and she can't pull it off. It's so small that she cannot retract at all when she tries she just clenches her legs together folds her eyestalks down and falls over on her side. I thought she was dead when I first got them due to her laying there like this till I saw her lil eyes pop up. When I turn her over even though she's trying to retract I can see her gonopores and what looks like part of her abdomen protruding. It's the kind of shell that has a small slit on one side like a Babylonia and there is part of her protruding against it and it looks very large and painful could be her abdomen or possibly a molt sac? But not sure. I got them both in ISO in the 10 gal they came in with everything they need (except they are still in the soil) and about 20 turbos and i saw what looked like her trying to get in one for about an hour then giving up. I put her in a water dish with the shell she wanted and a few others like it cause I read somewhere it might be easier for her to change in the water but she just got out. Sat in the same place all night then retreated to the hidey hut this morning. Is there any thing I can do to help her?? Anything I haven't already done? Do you think she's truly stuck or just changed her mind about changing shells last night? Will she die if she stays in there much longer? Also they both look as if they really need a molt right now but I'm afraid if I put them in the main tank (main tank has 6-10 inches playsand) and she goes down she won't make it. Also I have a crab in the main tank who is a shell picker and likes to pick at and eat other crabs shells so I don't want to put them in the main tank till they have changed out of the painted shells Any advise would be appreciated! I'm really sad and I don't want this lil girl to die! Thanks for your help!
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Re: Rescue crab in extremely small shell maybe stuck

Post by wodesorel » Mon Aug 14, 2017 1:54 pm

Are you positive on species? Can you share a photo of her? If it's an E that sounds rather normal. Some crabs do just like tight shells. They both sound like they majorly need a moly soon!
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Re: Rescue crab in extremely small shell maybe stuck

Post by Happyhermiehome » Mon Aug 14, 2017 2:03 pm

She's a purple pincher. All my cabbies are. I will try to post a pic showing her condition. Do you think I should just put them in the main tank and let them do their thing and molt? Or perhaps set up a molting ISO? Just worried she won't make it through with that shell if she's stuck.
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Re: Rescue crab in extremely small shell maybe stuck

Post by Happyhermiehome » Mon Aug 14, 2017 2:58 pm

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Re: Rescue crab in extremely small shell maybe stuck

Post by GotButterflies » Mon Aug 14, 2017 3:42 pm

Definitely a pp. I'm not sure what you could do about her being stuck. Also - looks like a molt sac to me.
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Re: Rescue crab in extremely small shell maybe stuck

Post by Happyhermiehome » Mon Aug 14, 2017 3:45 pm

Thanks GB for your reply. Do u think I should just put her in the main tank to molt? Or wait for her to change her shell first? Thanks. I'm just worried. I don't want her to die. :(
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Re: Rescue crab in extremely small shell maybe stuck

Post by GotButterflies » Mon Aug 14, 2017 3:52 pm

Hmm...tough call. On one hand I would say what would it hurt, but if someone has an idea about how to get her unstuck I would want to be able to help her. So...totally your call. If you do add them, be sure to dip them into the freshwater of the tank :)

Good luck! :)
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Re: Rescue crab in extremely small shell maybe stuck

Post by wodesorel » Mon Aug 14, 2017 5:12 pm

I'm not so sure she is stuck, I've had many PPS over the years who chose to stay in shells like that. She may just be weak and needing to molt and doesn't want to take a risk on a new quantity while everything around her is changing. It's definately a moly sac sticking out, so she'll be ready to go as soon as she can bury. I'd be a little worried about her trying to surface molt, honestly. She has that look about her.
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Re: Rescue crab in extremely small shell maybe stuck

Post by Happyhermiehome » Mon Aug 14, 2017 9:35 pm

Okay thanks so much for your input. I think I'm just going to ad them to the main tank tonight when i feed n water and hope for the best! And I'll be sure to dip them first. I have 1 molter that's been down about 2 months, 1 burrowing, and 1 suspected molter under right now and 2 very active guys up. Should I worry about adding them when I already have molter down? I'm pretty sure there is plenty of sub space for everyone but I worry lol.
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Re: Rescue crab in extremely small shell maybe stuck

Post by Happyhermiehome » Mon Aug 14, 2017 11:42 pm

Okay well, I dipped them and they are in the main tank. And they started digging straight away! They were like watching two lil kids in the snow lol..."whats this?... oh SAND!!! I remember this stuff! Let's dig...wooohooo! :lol: they are just a digging away kicking up a mound a sand outside of the hidey they claimed. i hope they will be okay...But seeing them enjoy the sand has made me feel better :o
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Re: Rescue crab in extremely small shell maybe stuck

Post by GotButterflies » Tue Aug 15, 2017 6:23 am

As long as you have recommended sub height - min 6" or 3 times the height of your largest crab (whichever is deeper trumps)- and you are not overcrowded- you should be fine! Provide lots of protein and calcium for them. Good luck!

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Re: Rescue crab in extremely small shell maybe stuck

Post by Happyhermiehome » Tue Aug 15, 2017 9:12 pm

Okay thanks. My main tank is 50gal with (now) 7 crabbies. 3 small,1 slightly bigger than the smalls, 2 mediums and one almost large. That's just my best guess though. I have a gradient of 6 to 10" of playsand except for one spot in the corner wher the driftwood touches the glass is only like 4" cuz my big guy keeps tunneling it out. I keep filling it back in but he makes it his nightly mission to dig it back out :lol: I also have a pretty good second level that spans the whole top of the back wall and has large suspended moss pits coming off of each end, all three sides of the tank are covered in either cocowall, plastic mesh or plastic grass mat to climb,a large driftwood, leaf litter bin, large second level shower caddy shell shop, 3 hideys,a big chunk of natural unbleached coral to climb and munch, several ramps and sticks to get to the second level,lots of vines large pools with 2 bubblers, and even a hamster wheel modified with craft mesh so I think they have plenty of room and stuff to do for now (till they get bigger and I need to upgrade) I was just worried the new crabs might dig and disturb my molters because I worry about everything lol but so far they are on opposite ends of the tank an it's fine. I do feed a vary varied diet of proteins and calcium they get, chicken breast,ground turkey and beef, organic peanut and almond butters,boiled and scrambled eggs, canned swimmer crab, frozen clams that I steam or boil, walnut, and an organic vegan 100% hemp protien powder that I add to my dry fruit n veggie mix. For calcium they get baked egg shell, oyster shell and they munch on that unbleached chunk of coral and there are several scallop shells scattered around the tank that they pick as well and I use oyster shell halves as their daily food dishes. And ofcorse they get plenty of organic fresh and dried fruits and veggies too.I totally spoil these lil boogers! And all the credit goes to this site! I learned it all here. I had no idea what to do with my first rescue crab that was given to me by a relative Till I came here. THANK YOU ALL :) :)
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Re: Rescue crab in extremely small shell maybe stuck

Post by Happyhermiehome » Fri Aug 18, 2017 10:09 pm

She did it! :clap:
I came home this afternoon to find her icky lil shell abandoned out front of the hidey and a pile of fluffy back fill sand inside. Pretty sure she chose a lovely green turbo that was with a few other shells I left in the hidey with her and then she went straight down. Hope she makes it! Fingers crossed!
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Re: Rescue crab in extremely small shell maybe stuck

Post by Happyhermiehome » Sun Aug 20, 2017 3:33 am

Okay well she didn't go down where I thought...or she came back up...I just found her by accident digging down is a corner right between the glass and my fw bubbler pool. I'm afraid if she goes down for good in that spot I will disturb her when I change the water...what shall I do? Leave her be and hope she moves? Change the water very very carefully? Move her?
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Re: Rescue crab in extremely small shell maybe stuck

Post by GotButterflies » Sun Aug 20, 2017 6:32 am

Do you not have the double bowl trick? Some of us have Tupperware containers as water bowls. You use them in sets of two so that one "nests" inside the other. That way when you change the water you removing a bowl, the one on the bottom always stays in the same place so you will not disturb anyone. I personally have rocks in the bottom one so it is easier to lift. I hope I explained it okay! There is a thread on hear that shows it- its called something like double dish bubbler pics yo

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