Empty shell no body?

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Empty shell no body?

Post by Samara » Sat Aug 26, 2017 11:17 am

I am quite a newbie to Hermit Crabs but did do research and set up what I was told was a nice habitat for my 2 new crabs. Upon introducing Timothy and Jeff to their new home on Wednesday, Timothy immediately buried him/her self after exploring for a bit. No big deal, normal crab behavior I thought. Today (Saturday) I carefully dug the substrate and found a completely empty shell. Fearing the worst I gently checked the area near the shell but have not discovered a body. I am perplexed. I have left the empty shell in the surface. Can someone tell me what may have gone wrong? I am using eco earth substrate with 2 small/mid size crabs, moderate room temp and good humidity levels. Other crab buries partway but is otherwise active. Any help you can give is welcome. Thanks in advance!

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Re: Empty shell no body?

Post by GotButterflies » Sat Aug 26, 2017 12:59 pm

Crabs bury shells that they like all of the time please know that it is not recommended to dig up crabs at any time.

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Re: Empty shell no body?

Post by Happyhermiehome » Tue Aug 29, 2017 4:18 am

So the shell in question, are u sure it was the one said crabbie was wearing? Maybe double check your extra shells in the tank. hopefully it's just a spare.

My crabbies will bury almost anything I leave directly on the sub. They will also dig up anything I have partially buried like the ends of sticks and scallop shells that I stick in the sand. silly crabs!
Livin' the Crazy crab life :P

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