Sick/Injured Crab Recovery Status & Care Tips

Please post here if you are having a crab care emergency! Use a real subject and not just "HELP!"


Post by Guest » Thu Aug 10, 2006 10:12 pm

Hermit_Crab27 wrote: I'm not sure about the other stuff, but my advice is to take out the heating rock, I think I heard that they can hurt your crabs. good luck!


Post by Guest » Wed Aug 16, 2006 8:30 am

Update on Yoda. Hermie with mysterious black spots on his outside left leg.


Well, Yoda surfaced today after a 2 week molt and the spots are gone! Although that is GREAT news, he seems to have lost half a limb on his outside RIGHT leg. The part that he still has is really dark aqua green, so I'm thinking he had a partial bad molt with that leg.

Can they actually regenerate the end of a limb during another molt? Or do they have to regenerate the whole limb?

I am putting him into the new 20 gallon tank tonight with the rest of the crabs, and also moving Scrappy into it as well(the one that was ripped from his shell and molted). That means everyone will be together once again!

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Post by burnin4Christ » Wed Mar 14, 2007 9:59 am

great thread idea!

hope clyde makes it!


Post by Guest » Tue May 15, 2007 7:50 pm

Well I have one sick hermie. Now that she is naked, I have found out my Panay is really a boy hermie. Last week I thought he was molting, but have recently found that he just may be stressed b/c he is loosing limbs. I have had him for over a year. The conditions in the tank have not changed recently and all of my other crabs are doing fine. He is down to two walking legs and the small pincher. He lost his big pincher and other legs. He has been like this for 4-5 days now and is an ISO tank. I have a coco hut over him which he likes. He dosen't leave it though, and I am worried that he is not getting any food or water. (He is naked by the way.) This morning I took him out and placed him by the water dish. He touched it a few times and then moved back into his hut. Is there any way to get him to eat/drink? Anything else I should be doing for him?

I know this sounds silly but I keep worrying that he is lonesome in there. Should I talk to him or leave him completely alone?


Post by Guest » Thu Jul 12, 2007 12:41 pm

I just posted on the Emergency board about my poor Crackle. I about 10 minutes ago I found him not moving at all, but he was almost completely out of his shell. I am putting him in Iso with shells water, honey, and some regular food and he is slowly comming more and more out of his shell. His legs are all limp and if you touch them he dosent move one bit. As I said I just posted here so you can see what my setup is like and stuff. Anyone know what he could be suffering from. My humidity and Temp is perfect. I really hope he dosent go!


Post by Guest » Thu Jul 12, 2007 2:38 pm

Poor little Crackle just passed away do to PPS. So sad, but I hope he goes on to a better life :-)


Post by Guest » Mon Dec 03, 2007 2:36 am

Uh... what is PPS?

My crab died sadistically 2 months ago... and I duno what is wrong with him.


Post by Guest » Mon Dec 03, 2007 2:55 am

PPS is Post Purchase Stress; basically, the time it takes a hermit crab to put the stresses of terrible pet store conditions behind it and get used to living in a proper crabitat.
