Crab just molted- not moving

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Crab just molted- not moving

Post by chobbychobby » Mon Apr 13, 2015 8:27 pm

My friendliest crab just molted. She is the one I've had the longest and she is just the sweetest thing. She has problem molted before (at least I think it was her),but not like this.
Since I was moving all the crabs to the new tank, I uncovered all the hides and stuff and there she was, freshly molted with the exo hanging from her shell. It was a surface most, unfortunately, after days of digging and coming back up. She was deep in her shell. Her big claw kind of stuck out though. I moved her to the new tank, and now I kind of which that I didn't, but I don't want to move her again. I put her sort of under a hide, out of the way of other crabs. They haven't bothered her. She hasn't moved at all and I'm getting worried. Should I put her in an iso? Any help is appreciated!!!

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Re: Crab just molted- not moving

Post by CallaLily » Tue Apr 14, 2015 7:59 am

She should be isolated, either in a separate tank or within the main tank somehow. Carefully place a hide over her too, to make her feel secure. Make sure to place her exo with her - she'll need to eat it. Then just keep conditions right and leave her be. All you can do is wait it out. It's normal for them to be inactive for a while after molting but slowly she'll start to munch on that exo and harden up.

I also recommend triple checking your conditions to see if you can get to the bottom of why she's surface molting. Species specific caresheets and other information can be found here.

And welcome to the HCA! :)

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Re: Crab just molted- not moving

Post by chobbychobby » Tue Apr 14, 2015 10:24 am

thanks for the advice. I moved her to an iso with her exo ... sp=safe&zw

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Re: Crab just molted- not moving

Post by chobbychobby » Wed Apr 15, 2015 9:30 am

I forgot to mention, her big claw was detached when I moved her :?
She hasn't moved at all, just stayed in her shell.
