Stuck in Shell?

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Stuck in Shell?

Post by hermitcrab29 » Fri Jan 29, 2016 4:40 pm

Okay, so I know I've already asked a question about Rocket kind of like this, but its different. So, my hermit crab Rocket seems to be stuck in her painted (I know :( ) shell. Each night, she will seem like she's trying to get out, as she will grip on to anything she can and will come very far out, but wont be able to get her soft spot out. For the last couple of nights she has been doing this for 10-15 minutes but will then go rest, even though night time is when their most active. I would take pictures, but she gets VERY shy when she does this. If it is crucial that I take picture I will try my best to get one. BTW, if it matters I got her from Petco in early October, and have 4 inches of substrate on the left side and 6 inches on he right in a 20 gallon long tank and spray it about 3 times a day.
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Re: Stuck in Shell?

Post by purpleperson » Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:07 pm

I have a crab that pulls way out like that every evening (she's doing it right now actually) I know for sure she's not stuck since she's changed shells quite a few times with me. Holding themselves out that far is sometimes done to regulate temperature. :) how long have you had the crab? It may just not want to change. I've gotten crabs before that didn't change shells for months even if I didn't think the shell was overly appropriate. What other shells do you have in the tank?

If the crab isn't being lethargic or anything I really would try not to be too nervous, since in my opinion her pulling out thing is normal. Especially because she's gripping anything. If she started doing that over shells in the "shell change" position I would be worried.

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Re: Stuck in Shell?

Post by hermitcrab29 » Fri Jan 29, 2016 8:06 pm

purpleperson wrote:I have a crab that pulls way out like that every evening (she's doing it right now actually) I know for sure she's not stuck since she's changed shells quite a few times with me. Holding themselves out that far is sometimes done to regulate temperature. :) how long have you had the crab? It may just not want to change. I've gotten crabs before that didn't change shells for months even if I didn't think the shell was overly appropriate. What other shells do you have in the tank?

If the crab isn't being lethargic or anything I really would try not to be too nervous, since in my opinion her pulling out thing is normal. Especially because she's gripping anything. If she started doing that over shells in the "shell change" position I would be worried.

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I've had her since early October, and for shells I have 2 whale eyes, 2 turbos (I ordered 8 more last week) and 3 others that would fit her. I'm hoping since hermit crabs love turbo shells she'll like one of the new ones I've ordered. And she only does the position over rocks or the small area of the tank where I have pula shell bedding (the rest of it is sand). It's nice to hear that she probably isn't stuck and that she isn't the only one. :crabbigsmile:
Live, Love, Hermies
