Naked after molting and completely burried in sand

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Re: Naked after molting and completely burried in sand

Post by KellyCrabbieLove » Sat Jun 06, 2015 11:27 am

golfinfool wrote:No other crabs digging, I have one other in the tank and he spends alot of time burried in the bottom of the moss pit. I thought I was keeping the sand moist by lightly spraying it every few days. That obviously only gets it moist on the top. The original cave that he dug started out under a small "hut" so I didnt want to move it and disturb the cave / hole that he was in. I guess I should have moved the hut from the top of the hole and made sure the sand was moist there. Is there a better way to get the sand moist and keep it that way? Thanks for all your help!!!!!
If spraying the top of the sand isn't keeping it moist enough you have another option. Taking something like...a chopstick and putting it in the corner of the tank to make a tiny hole you can pour little amounts of water which will spread out in the tank and keep it moist. Don't do it often and only use teeeeeny amounts of water.
#1 rule of crabbing - crabs are weird.
#2 rule of crabbing - see above
