Molting Question

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me n my hermikids
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Re: Molting Question

Post by me n my hermikids » Wed Nov 04, 2015 9:18 pm

B4 I got my ISO tank, I needed to ISO a little guy so I took the glass out of a picture frame and used it as a wall. It went a little more than wall to wall in the tank so I had to turn it slightly to create a barrier. I had to put in extra food and waters but it worked pretty well.

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Re: Molting Question

Post by rothers27 » Thu Nov 05, 2015 12:45 pm

Okay, thank you. I'm also wondering if anyone knows how the crabs get the weak crab out of the shell. Also, does anyone know why my weak crab's abdomen was so large and puffy?

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Re: Molting Question

Post by LadyMorrgian » Thu Nov 05, 2015 7:49 pm

They have ways to get them out, including just reaching a claw in an YANK. Some times the weak crab will hold on, even allowing its self to get torn apart, sometimes they will come out and "streak" trying to run away. I am not sure why your crab was all white and puffy. Maybe @wodesorel can shed some light on that, she knows more than me :)

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Laurie LeAnn
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Re: Molting Question

Post by Laurie LeAnn » Thu Nov 05, 2015 9:57 pm

Make sure your crabs are getting enough proteins. Try turbo type shells for purple pincher crabs. Mine love tapestry and jade type. I got from hermit crab patch. You can go on line and check Amazon and e bay for those type of shells or hermit crab shells.
