Crab Can't Get Legs Out of Shell

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Re: Crab Can't Get Legs Out of Shell

Post by CrabberOf4Years » Thu Aug 03, 2023 8:36 am

I woke up this morning to find that Crabby has stolen his shell. hers is in the moss bowl with him, but he seems to be using the spoon i gave him honey on as a new shell, tail curled and everything. I gave him other shells in the bowl, but i'm not sure if he'll get into them, or even can since he is so weak. He's barely alive and i'm freaking out!!!!

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Re: Crab Can't Get Legs Out of Shell

Post by CrabberOf4Years » Thu Aug 03, 2023 8:56 am

Green poops were dropped as I moved him from the moss to the shell bowl, so he's been eating.

Any idea what the black splotches on his tail are? there almost like an icky green color. I'm worried thats what did this to him, and now my other crab has his shell!!!!

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Re: Crab Can't Get Legs Out of Shell

Post by curlysister » Thu Aug 03, 2023 8:16 pm

Unfortunately, it sounds like your crab is in a bad way. Do you have other appropriate shells for him? The one in the front of the photo isn't one that he will use.
Check out the 'naked crab' care sheet, and see if you can get him into a shell - he will die without one. Unfortunately, he may die even with a shell. There is no way to do any diagnostics on a crab to see what exactly has gone wrong.
"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." -Will Rogers

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Re: Crab Can't Get Legs Out of Shell

Post by CrabberOf4Years » Thu Aug 03, 2023 10:36 pm

Okay, I had to pick him up and set his tail in the shell, and its huge on him (Like if he wanted to pull all the way back into it there would be about an inch from the front of his claw to the opening of the shell big), but he's in one now.

He still can't walk on half his legs, worried it might be paralysis, and i'm not sure what to do for him if that's the case, but for now he's in an ISO critter keeper with paper towels all around it to keep it darker and more humid, including a layer of fresh water paper towels at the bottom, in a place my other crab hopefully won't climb to, though i'll be checking in on him every now and then tonight.

I intend to move him into the ISO tank I have set up tomorrow, and introduce Ember, my new PP who has just finished a week of healthy ISO as of today to Crabby, but I do not want to stress him out further, and don't have another place to put Ember should they not get along.

What would you recommend going forward?

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Re: Crab Can't Get Legs Out of Shell

Post by CrabberOf4Years » Fri Aug 04, 2023 5:17 pm

I regret to inform you that Bubbles has passed on.

Thank you to all those who responded, and helped me make him comfortable during his last few days.


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Re: Crab Can't Get Legs Out of Shell

Post by CrabberOf4Years » Fri Aug 04, 2023 5:17 pm

I regret to inform you that Bubbles has passed on.

Thank you to all those who responded, and helped me make him comfortable during his last few days.

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Re: Crab Can't Get Legs Out of Shell

Post by curlysister » Fri Aug 04, 2023 8:16 pm

I am sorry to hear that. Something went terribly wrong, that was not from anything you did/ did not do, and which unfortunately could not be diagnosed.
"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." -Will Rogers

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