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Re: Crab NO LIMBS UPDATE**2/13/14 pics added**Shes EATING!

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 7:39 am
by EnchantedJesse
I am sorry to hear about your situation, I hope he gets better and heals well. I read Rocky's post about the hermit crab with no limbs and it was remarkable. I'm sure if you follow those guidelines and rules then your hermie will be just fine :innocent:

Re: Crab NO LIMBS UPDATE**2/13/14 pics added**Shes EATING!

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:48 pm
by crabbienewb
First thing
The circled area in there has this yellowish blob i can't get a good picture of it but showing where it is. it this just normal abdomen?

2nd thing, do you see any injuries to this crab other than the obvious limbs misssing?
and 3rd..... Is it bad that he is coming out this far from his shell? He's not doing that all the time, only when I give him water, food, or when I'm holding him, but just picking him up now he comes out like that and does not jump back in while i transfer him from dish to dish, and he was before. he still retracts in his shell when put back in the tank.

I guess I'll add more to the update: He is drinking for about 45 mins, on each salt and fresh, and seems to be wanting more. maybe not drinkign sometimes it just seems like he's hanging out, dunks head in, sometimes puts feelers in.

Eating a lot, polished off two cue tips one with honey and calcium and one with honey and surf and turf from hcp, in an hour. Ate shrimp that i had thawed, i swear he ate more than his body size in shrimp.

top of body


Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**2/18/14 *new pics new questions*

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 7:48 am
by Jlee1985
Wow it's amazing how they can live after losing limbs and then grow them back. Hope they pull thew the molt.

Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**2/18/14 *new pics new questions*

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 7:48 am
by lefty
awwww lil buddy , we are rooting for him! :cheer:

Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**2/18/14 *new pics new questions*

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 8:14 am
by maymay
no answers for your questions but that little guy looks like a fighter!!! I really hope he pulls through for you :D

Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**2/18/14 *new pics new questions*

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 8:50 am
by CallaLily
I can't see clearly enough in most pics, but as far as I can tell (other then missing limbs and it looks pieces of antennae) he looks OK. I think as far as hanging out of the shell and being less afraid is kind of normal considering you've had to handle him more and is a good sign that he's still strong. I really hope he pulls through! Please continue to keep us updated. Also a great sign that he's eating and drinking so good.

Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**2/18/14 *new pics new questions*

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 8:23 pm
by Careyenz
I haven't read all the way through this thread, so excuse me if I'm giving double information. He's really looking great! Since gel limbs are starting to form, keep a close eye on his eating and drinking habits going forward. When he refuses food and water, it's most likely molt time. You need to really focus on his body language. He won't be able to bury himself, so you will have to do the work for him. You can either lightly cover him with moist moss or enclose him in a dark hidey. I've always had good luck with the moss method, but others have used hideys. You're doing a great job as nurse in chief! I hope he pulls through for you!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**2/18/14 *new pics new questions*

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 12:32 am
by Nia
Wow you are doing a great job, I see gel limbs already :D. So happy for you that he/she is doing so well now. Best wishes n prayers with your lil guy/gal that they continue to grow well and get better.
Great Work! Good Luck! :cheer:

Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**2/18/14 *new pics new questions*

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 12:47 am
by wodesorel
If he's eating that much then he should be able to pull off a molt!

It's hard to tell what all is missing since he's so shocking to look at, but I also don't think there's anything majorly missing. The yellow bit is abdomen that you're seeing. He's really not coming out that far - if he had all his legs it would be a normal "flail" position that many of them do when picked up off a surface, but without the legs it looks so much scarier!

Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**2/18/14 *new pics new questions*

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 5:10 pm
by EnchantedJesse
Omg he is so adorable! I'm praying he makes it :) and I'm most definitely positive he will! :clap:

Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**2/18/14 *new pics new questions*

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 9:22 pm
by Lizzia
good job! mine has lost a leg and has begun eating so much is seems like it is constant. he'll pull through. just start to get really worried if his antenna and eyes fall off. then something is seriously wrong with your crabitat.

Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**2/18/14 *new pics new questions*

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 10:09 pm
by CrabbyMom33
Looks like you are doing a great job! As Careyenz said, you need to pay very close attention to what he's telling you through body language. I tend to error on the side of waiting longer to stop taking them out to provide food and water when it seems they are ready to molt. I'd rather take them out a day longer than needed than leave a helpless crab unable to get to food and water that they want. When he's ready to molt he will completely refuse food and water and (from my experience) look almost like they are unable to move right before they are ready to molt. I've had good luck digging a small hole about twice the size of the crab, then placing them in it and covering it with a cocohut (opening covered) or a flat shell. Then I leave them for a week before checking on them.

Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**2/18/14 *new pics new questions*

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 2:30 am
by crabbienewb
He is still drinking a ton. Those stumps still look like stumps, i had to actually look at the pics to see if they look any different, and they possibly look a bit bigger but no big gel buds yet. Still eating, but less. Though it seems like one day he eats hardly any, and the next he plows through several q tips worth.

I am glad I posted here so i have something to look back on to remember dates, otherwise id have no idea. Didn't even realize it has been 9 days since those last pictures.

I keep finding long strands of what I think is poop, but it doesnt' look like normal crab poop. It's like 6 inches long and really thin and kinda squiggly, and he is emptying it from his shell into the water. Is that just weird poop because he's eating so much? He is a tiny crab.

Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**2/18/14 *new pics new questions*

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 3:30 am
by crabbienewb
Broke out the better camera, that I have no idea how to use, but managed to get some pictures where you can actually see what's going on. Do you see gel limbs?


Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**2/27/14 *kinda graphic pics added

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 3:36 am
by happycrabbymama
He's looking good... Gel limbs... great sign!!! :D