Lost all limbs UPDATE**5/05/14

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Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**3/08/14 *BAD NEWS PLEASE HELP*

Post by Nia » Sat Mar 08, 2014 7:21 pm

Best wishes n hopes out to you and the poor lil guy. It really sounds like he wants to molt. The moist moss sounds like a good idea. Maybe just put it over the back half and put a hut over it so he stays moist but you can still see him and make sure he is ok. Just an idea but I figured since the lil guy is having so much trouble that if you did it this way you could see he is ok by just a little light rather than lifting the hut up. Hope that it helps.
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Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**3/08/14 *BAD NEWS PLEASE HELP*

Post by crabbienewb » Sun Mar 09, 2014 3:24 am

my attempts to reshell him again failed, I even found a nice modified E shell so his abdomen would fit in without the need to get it around the spirial (this shell was gutted), but he left it. I found him 4 inches away from the shells, which i have no idea how me managed to do with no legs, and sitting up in a C shape, with his abdomen curled under and him sitting up as if he was in a shell. He has more strength than I thought initially when I said he seemed weak. I attempted to feed and offer water, which he didn't want but did check out, and he is alert as of the last time i checked on him because when I brought other shells he would look at them and when offered my finger to climb on he does. He is very adamant about staying out of a shell and staying in an upright position C shape maybe more of a G since he is curled at the bottom.

The bump 100% looks like a molt sac now, although his abdomen looks swollen, but I can't really tell for sure, it looked rather dark on the bottom though. I rinsed him again and he pooped a ton while i was doing that and I hoped maybe that was why he was feeling off, but he still didn't want to be in a shell.

I have put him in a tapestry several sizes larger than his old shell, which is definitely too big for him, and then I filled a container with moss and set him in it and covered him. I believe I will leave him for a week, misting the moss either as needed, or daily, not sure how often, and not sure whether salt or fresh, advice on that would be helpful. If it smells fishy I will know he passed.

I know people are probably hesitant to give advice on this because the situation is just bad, no limbs, out of shell, won't stay in shell, plus the conditions he came from, it could be anything. I really don't know what to do, if he is about to molt continuing to put him in shells is only going to stress him, but if he's not, then he really does need to be in his shell now. I had high hopes for him having gone this long, and they have dropped down to maybe 20% chance he might make it, and that is only because he still seems very strong and alert. His gel limbs looked no where near the size ready to molt.

I'd appreciate any advice on misting the moss, in case he is molting I don't want him to dry out/suffocate. Also how long I should wait to check on him? I want to check on him all the time, but I know I shouldn't. frequency of misting and whether salt or fresh would be great. Moss is moistened with salt water. I put a little bit of salt water in his shell as well.

If he does pass in the moss pit will I be able to smell it without digging? Small crab.

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Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**3/08/14 *BAD NEWS PLEASE HELP*

Post by CallaLily » Sun Mar 09, 2014 9:08 am

Definitely mist with freshwater. Using salt will just make it way too salty and eventually it can build up enough to cause burns. As for how often, I'm not sure. I think it would depend on how fast the moss dries out and if your misting will disturb the crab. I think it's something you have to figure out as you go, I don't think anyone could really say what would be enough or too much.

I think how you have him set up sounds good and I agree with leaving him be as much as possible. I'm hoping he stays in that shell and pulls through his molt. Sorry I'm not more help. Keep us updated.

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Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**3/08/14 *BAD NEWS PLEASE HELP*

Post by CrabbyMom33 » Sun Mar 09, 2014 11:22 am

It sounds like you are doing everything right and doing the best possible for him. Sometimes that is the only thing we can do. The only other thing I can think of is to set him in a flat shell, like a clam shell with a bit of water in it. That way at least his abdomen is protected from being directly on the substrate. If he won't stay in a shell I think the moss is a good idea and also, keep your humidity up higher than normal in the tank. Good luck!
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Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**3/08/14 *BAD NEWS PLEASE HELP*

Post by happycrabbymama » Sun Mar 09, 2014 1:35 pm

I'm so sorry that I don't have anything constructive to add to the many helpful posts... *HUGS* I hope everything turns out for the best. :smt056
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Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**3/08/14 *BAD NEWS PLEASE HELP*

Post by crabbienewb » Tue Mar 11, 2014 7:20 am

Just an update to say the crab is still alive. I think I probably won't update again until he's either molted or passed. Really complicated situation right now.

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Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**3/08/14 *BAD NEWS PLEASE HELP*

Post by MuseCrazy » Tue Mar 11, 2014 9:51 am

Still out if his shell?

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Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**3/08/14 *BAD NEWS PLEASE HELP*

Post by Nia » Thu Mar 13, 2014 4:22 am

I hope that all is well and he is having a safe molt. Good luck to you both :) n best wishes.

Any new news? How is the lil guy doing? Hope all is well. Best wishes for you all.
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Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**3/08/14 *BAD NEWS PLEASE HELP*

Post by crabbienewb » Wed Mar 19, 2014 3:58 am

He's still going. Actually he is not drinking and hasn't for 2 days or more, and refused food today, so if he does again in the morning he will be covered with moss and left. His stumps are not gel limbs at all though, look the same as previous pictures. So I think he's got more than 7 days before he would complete a molt, but he looked like he had huge molt sac, so hopefully he is ready to molt now. He is reshelled though and hasn't left his shell again thankfully. Still moves his feelers pretty crazy, and he did pop out to check out what i was offering him, but wasn't interested in eating it, even the honey.

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Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**3/08/14 *BAD NEWS PLEASE HELP*

Post by Nia » Thu Mar 20, 2014 2:30 am

Great so glad he went back into a shell. Actually it all sounds great :). Seems like he is getting ready for a molt and that is a good sign. I really hope that he has a safe and productive molt. You are doing a great job with him. Keep up the wonderful work and definitely keep us updated, we are all worried about him. Best wishes to you both. We are keeping our thoughts,best wishes, and best hopes with the lil guy. :crabbigsmile:
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Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**3/08/14 *BAD NEWS PLEASE HELP*

Post by wodesorel » Thu Mar 20, 2014 2:33 am

It really does sound like he's getting close to molting! :) All are good signs, don't worry about the gel limbs not being formed - when Sunshine refused food she didn't even have the start of gel limbs yet a week later (left alone under a hut) they were huge.
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Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**3/08/14 *BAD NEWS PLEASE HELP*

Post by IBlab crab » Thu Mar 20, 2014 2:39 am

Crabbienewb,you must be a patient,caring person to give so much effort for this little guy. I look here everyday for an update and I am rooting and saying a prayer for your injured crab.You are doing a great job!

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Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**3/08/14 *BAD NEWS PLEASE HELP*

Post by crabbienewb » Thu Mar 20, 2014 5:44 am

He did refuse food and got covered. Actually he was using his grooming appendage to rub honey all over his body, idk, that's the 3rd day he's done that. Today he didn't even come out to rub honey on himself so he is covered. Hoping for a molt :crabbigsmile:

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Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**3/08/14 *BAD NEWS PLEASE HELP*

Post by Careyenz » Thu Mar 20, 2014 9:12 am

Can't wait for the update! I'm hoping for the best!

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Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**3/08/14 *BAD NEWS PLEASE HELP*

Post by MrSoulSong » Thu Mar 20, 2014 9:21 am

Good luck little guy!!
