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I'm about to give up on him.

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 7:13 pm
by Dom :)
I don't know what to do and I'm getting frustrated. I have a streaker going on 4 days. I had him in Iso for 3 days with a bunch of shells larger smaller and the same size, put him with shells in a small area, and I've tried putting him in some. I understand i may be causing stress but I'm getting frustrated not at him but at not knowing why he is doing this.

He shares 8 shells with 1 other crab

He had 6 inches of sub (EE)

His temp and humidity are always at 70-80

He is fed fruits and veggies and I check all commercial foods before buying.

He lives in a 10 gallon.

Now please don't give me the care template. I know 100% his habitat has what's needed.

I don't see any parasites, mites, or anything unusual on his shell.

I don't want to euthanize him or anything, but I can't spend eternity babying him because I have school and I do plays and have practices.

Re: I'm about to give up on him.

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 12:07 pm
by Crabinski
Sounds like you've been doing all the right things for him, Dominic, but sometimes nothing works. It's all up to the crab himself. When crabs repeatedly ditch a variety of shells, it is usually a sign that the crab is simply too weak to continue to carry the weight of a shell.

Re: I'm about to give up on him.

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 12:47 pm
by Kaleighshermies
I know your frustration. Like you said you can't baby him forever. I would just keep him in iso, put a blanket over the tank to keep it dark, keep the shells in there and let him do his thing and just let him be. If he gets into a shell eventually then great, maybe he needed time to get stronger and get rid of some stress. If he doesn't then it is only a matter of time until he passes away. At least you know that you tried and maybe he was just sick.
I have a hermit crab that is hanging out of her shells, not moving all and I am pretty sure she is dead. However she doesn't have the death smell and she isn't stiff like most dead crabs. I have her in iso and just leave her alone. When I smell that death smell then I will know, if I see her out and about some day then great. At this point I just leave her alone and don't even lift up th coconut hut to check on her. Some times leaving them alone is the only thing you can do.
Hope this helps