90% positive I have a couple dead crabs during their molt
Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 3:12 am
So I have 6 small/medium crabs in my tank. Its 12"x 30" and I have a 10 gallon 2nd floor. The substrate is 6" deep. And consists of straight play sand. I have a salt water bath and freshwater bath that all crabs could submerge completely into if they wanted. The temp at sand level is usually around 70° with humidity about 70% on average. At the middle/center of the tank it's about 75°-80° and 70% humidity. The 2nd level 10gal tank is usually 90° with humidity around 75%-80%. I have a UTH under the tank. As I thought that's where it's supposed to go. I also have a reptile fog machine and a misting machine. If you check the only other thread I posted in, you can see the pictures of the build.
When I first opened up this tank for business my crabs went crazy for a few weeks. Climbing and doing the crab thing. Then 1 by 1 they all went down for a molt. I didn't know that they needed total darkness during the molt. So I stuck my head under the tank and used my flashlight to track their whereabouts. Almost everyday I might add. The group molt started in sept. 2017. So it's been about 6 months. 1 came up for about a day or 2 at the 7/8 week mark and went back down for another month. 1 came up for good and 1 came up after about 4/6 weeks, stayed up for about 3-4 months swapped shells a couple times and has gone back down. Now all 3 that I know are still alive are the ones that must've been hidden from my view due to the large UTH. The other 3 have not moved from their spot at the bottom since the beginning. I'm almost positive the stress from having my flashlight shined in the face through the glass every night was too much for them to handle......lesson learned.
My question is, do I dig them up? Do I then replace all the sand? I'm pretty confident the alive crabs may never bumped into 1 of the dead ones during their tunnelling. Although, I do not smell anything bad what so ever in the tank. At one point I had a crab sized tunnel from the right side of the tank, close to the front glass, that stretched to back side then under my saltwater bath and over to the middle of the left side of the tank. I was hoping that big of tunnel would have broght up some nasty odors. It did NOT. But I am pretty sure I have a few dead crabs and I'm not sure about how to handle the extraction. What happens when one crab runs into a long dead crab deep in the sand?
Also I was wondering if the UTH actually being under the tank is a good idea. It seems now my sand is drying out. There is a layer of hard sand crust over the sand-scape. So Every couple weeks, I pout water over the top to soften it up. Im careful not to flood it, but I also try to pour a good bit in so it seeps down through.
Thanks for reading.
When I first opened up this tank for business my crabs went crazy for a few weeks. Climbing and doing the crab thing. Then 1 by 1 they all went down for a molt. I didn't know that they needed total darkness during the molt. So I stuck my head under the tank and used my flashlight to track their whereabouts. Almost everyday I might add. The group molt started in sept. 2017. So it's been about 6 months. 1 came up for about a day or 2 at the 7/8 week mark and went back down for another month. 1 came up for good and 1 came up after about 4/6 weeks, stayed up for about 3-4 months swapped shells a couple times and has gone back down. Now all 3 that I know are still alive are the ones that must've been hidden from my view due to the large UTH. The other 3 have not moved from their spot at the bottom since the beginning. I'm almost positive the stress from having my flashlight shined in the face through the glass every night was too much for them to handle......lesson learned.
My question is, do I dig them up? Do I then replace all the sand? I'm pretty confident the alive crabs may never bumped into 1 of the dead ones during their tunnelling. Although, I do not smell anything bad what so ever in the tank. At one point I had a crab sized tunnel from the right side of the tank, close to the front glass, that stretched to back side then under my saltwater bath and over to the middle of the left side of the tank. I was hoping that big of tunnel would have broght up some nasty odors. It did NOT. But I am pretty sure I have a few dead crabs and I'm not sure about how to handle the extraction. What happens when one crab runs into a long dead crab deep in the sand?
Also I was wondering if the UTH actually being under the tank is a good idea. It seems now my sand is drying out. There is a layer of hard sand crust over the sand-scape. So Every couple weeks, I pout water over the top to soften it up. Im careful not to flood it, but I also try to pour a good bit in so it seeps down through.
Thanks for reading.