What kind of substrate is used in your tank and how deep is it?
playsand and ee 5-6 inches tall
2. Do you have gauges in the tank to measure temperature and humidity? If so, where are they located and what temperature and humidity do they usually Humidity usually around 80-85 unfortunately the temp fluctuates 70-80
3. Is a heat source used in the tank? If so, what?
3 heat mats
4. What types of water are available (fresh or salt) and how is the water treated (what brands of dechlorinator or salt mix and what ratio is used to mix it)?
fresh and salt. I use zoomed products
Curly - Most Zoo Med products are not correct, even though they are marketed for hermit crabs. Pools need to be deep enough that they can fully submerge, but also have a way to climb out.
Here is the care sheet about water:
http://www.hermitcrabassociation.com/ph ... 27&t=92553
5. What kinds of food do you feed and how often is it replaced?
Unsweetened Dried fruit (cranberries,pear,apple,banana)
Dried Mealworms,crickets and shrimp
Dried seaweed green and red (plain)
Some oats and quinoa and some calcium powder made for crabs I think it’s Jurassic pet or something
Curly - Crabs need a varied diet, including calcium and protein daily. Be sure to read the care sheet about nutrition:
http://www.hermitcrabassociation.com/ph ... 25&t=92554
6. How long have you had the crab and what species is it, if known?
they are all PPs and about 4 weeks
7. Has your crab molted, and how long ago did it happen?
I haven’t had them but a few weeks but the smallest one has been underground for a few weeks so I’m assuming he’s molting the rest I’m not sure
8. What type of housing are the crabs kept in, what size,
A 10 gallon tank and one of those metal screen things built for size.
Curly - Four crabs in a 10 gallon will be crowded, especially when they grow. Here is the HCA guide for how many crabs in what size tank depending on sizes:
http://www.hermitcrabassociation.com/ph ... 26&t=92541
9. How many crabs are in the tank and about how large are they?
4 PPs
1 of them littler than golf ball
1 of them size of golf ball
1 of them a little bigger than that
1 of them the size of an egg (the one with the injury)
10. How many extra shells are usually kept in the tank, if any?
About 4
Curly - HCA recommends at least 3-5 extra shells per crab. So for four crabs, you should have 12-20 extras, in appropriate sizes and types. Here is the shell guide:
http://www.hermitcrabassociation.com/ph ... 24&t=92552
11. Have there been any fumes or chemicals near the crabitat recently?
not that I know of
12. How often do you clean the tank and how?
I just clean the water and food dishes and food scraps that fall out daily once a week I sanitize everything with boiling water
13. Are sponges used in the water dish? If so, how are they cleaned?
14. Has anything new been added to your crabitat recently?
yes a “hermit crab climbing wall” which I’m considering taking down and a coconut hut
15. Is there any other information you would like to share that might be helpful (anything that is regularly part of your crab care, playtime, bathing, etc.)?
I don’t handle them unless I have to and I used to give baths every night but now since my new job I can’t the crab who lost his claw has been lazier than usual for the last week.
Curly - Crabs should not be bathed regularly - they carry a mix of salt and fresh water in their shells, and adjust it as they need. Bathing them will throw off this balance.
16. Please describe the emergency situation in detail.
I came home from work last night to find my humidity dropped to about 60% then I noticed when I picked up my biggest crab his big pincher was gone! I couldn’t find it in the tank so I put him in a ups tank which is a standard plastic little hermit crab cage with deepish substrate,water and I gave him baby food with oats since I dont think he can eat well the temp and humidity is back to normal