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Two crabs dead in their pool with no shell!

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 5:12 pm
by SaraV
I have three hermies,I’ve had then for about a year. Over the last two days one I have found one completely of her shell a number of times, even though there’s a few different sized shells in their tank. I’ve noticed two to be out of their shells a lot (still in the shells but not hiding) then this morning I woke up to both of them with no shell on and one in each pool, non responsive I think they’re dead. 😭💔
The only thing I’ve done differently is turned off the heat mat as we’ve had a couple of 35-43 degree Celsius days here and didn’t think they’d need it through our summer.
I always dechlorinate their pools/baths, one is fresh water one is salt water. I do everything I can to take care of them I don’t understand what went wrong 😰

Re: Two crabs dead in their pool with no shell!

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 5:16 pm
by curlysister
Sorry to hear about your crab deaths.
Please fill in the 'emergency' template so we can help trouble shoot. Copy and paste it, and fill in your answers.

Re: Two crabs dead in their pool with no shell!

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 7:02 pm
by Crabby in NJ
Sorry for your loss