Molting tunnel colasped
Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2021 7:32 am
I can guarantee everything is exactly to the care guides on here so I'm skipping the question part. Please read this tread to get background: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=125715 Basicly I needed to move my large tank and there was one small crab that had been down several months. I'm moving the tank over the weekend so I decided I had to dig today (it had been long enough that I was 50/50 on if the crab was even alive. Well I started digging and realized that I had really messed up. I hadn't paid much attention to the main tank in awhile since all the crabs are in an iso for the move. Turns out I unplugged the extension cord with the mister and heat mat when I took them out so neither had been on in weeks. The sand was super dry, not even close to sandcastle consistency. I didn't have much hope anymore but I dug through the entire tank until I found the crab. It was wedged under the freshwater pool so luckily the sand didn't collapse yet. The problem was that if I tried to remove the pool (it's 2.5 gallon so easier said than done). the sand piled next to it would fall onto the crab so the only way I thought of was to pull the crab by the shell out (hoping it wasn't currently molting, it had been long enough I assumed it finished already and just couldn't get up). I was wrong. The crab was dangling limp from the shell, twitching slightly with its exo half off. I immediately put it in an iso and that's where we are now. The crab is sitting limp half out of is shell, only moving slightly now and then. I've never had to deal with this before and this time it is definitely my fault for not checking on the main tank more. Any advice welcome.