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Shell Wars & 2 Shallow Molts

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 12:00 am
by JenH26
Since you've come to the emergency forum, we know you want a fast answer to your question. In order for us to figure out the problem as quickly as possible, we ask that you answer the following questions as best you can. Some of them may seem odd, but they're all designed to give us the information we need to give you a good solution for your problem. The things in the [ brackets ] are there to make this post easier to read once submitted. Thanks!

1. What kind of substrate is used in your tank and how deep is it?

In Krabooz (Krabuze!)
The substrate is whatever the pet shop sells with the Krabuze heck-box. It’s VERY shallow & I don’t think it’s ever been cleaned out or topped up.

New Tank (20g):
5:1 mix of play-sand & peat-moss, 6” deep but will probably make it 7-8” on one side.

2. Do you have gauges in the tank to measure temperature and humidity? If so, where are they located and what temperature and humidity do they usually read?

I only have the Krabuze thermometer/hygrometer. I plan to get a better model as soon as $$ allow.

When I got the crabs, the temp ‘tank’ was sitting at 16-17C. There are 2 x Krabooz 5w heat pads on the back of the tank that do exactly nothing.

They’re currently on the chest of drawers in my bedroom.

I’ve wrapped the tank in 2 layers of alfoil and then in my electric blanket & have managed to slowly get the heat up 22-24.

Humidity drops to about 60% when I open the door for water/food, but I spray it with lukewarm spring water and it gets back up to 80% pretty fast.

3. Is a heat source used in the tank? If so, what?

- 2 x Krabooz 5w heat matz (back of tank)
- 2 x layers of alfoil (tin foil) on back & sides
- 1 x electric blanket wrapped around entire tank (I move it off the lid & front during the day so they can get some natural light without also freezing.

In 20 gallon: I have a 21w 10” x 20.75” seed starter heat mat that I’m going to attach to the back of the tank(above substrate).

I will then insulate with alfoil/bubble wrap/foam board where possible

4. What types of water are available (fresh or salt) and how is the water treated (what brands of dechlorinator or salt mix and what ratio is used to mix it)?

Fresh spring water + fresh spring water with ‘krabooz saltz’ changed daily.

Thanks to this site, I’ve just found out that bottled water & ‘saltz’ are NOT to be used. Is there anything else ‘around the house’ I could use? I won’t be able to afford Seachem Prime & API Aquarium Salt C11 until next weekend.

I’m hoping that since they’ve survived for a year (roughly) on this crappy diet with saltz & spring water, they might last a week longer til I can get the right stuff?

5. What kinds of food do you feed and how often is it replaced?

I feed them a variety of foods from the Safe Food List on here. Fresh fruit, fresh veg, oats/other grains, nuts & I’ve just tried them on some apple baby food.

Their food is changed daily, along with their water.

When I got them, they’d been living on crab pellets & a Krabooz dry mix, with the occasional scrap of lettuce chucked in.

6. How long have you had the crab and what species is it, if known?

About a week. All 4 appear to be Australian Hermit Crabs.

7. Has your crab molted, and how long ago did it happen?

I think 1 crab is molting; the top of its shell is just visible (it’s one of those horrible Krabooz painted shells). A second crab has just burrowed down so might be molting as well.

8. What type of housing are the crabs kept in, what size is it and what kind of lid is on the housing?

They’re currently in abhorrent conditions. 4 x small-med sized crabs in one Krabuze container. It’s way too small, there’s no space to roam and it doesn’t allow for enough substrate to dig.

New Tank:
75L (20 g)
600 mm across (23”)
365 mm high (14”)
320 mm deep (12”)

I’m hoping I can heat it up fast and transfer the 3 crabs that aren’t molting, so the molting one can stay on its own in the Krabooz.

The only lid I have is a plastic tote lid. I’m going to cover that in clingwrap (Saran Wrap) + whatever else it needs to retain humidity & heat, but still be reachable to change food and water. I saw some cool stuff on here that I can probably copy!

9. How many crabs are in the tank and about how large are they?

4 Crabs - ranging from 1”-2.5”

10. How many extra shells are usually kept in the tank, if any?

There have only been 4 painted ‘Krabooz’ shells. I happened to have a spare shell that I added to the collection and one of the larger crabs changed almost immediately. Today I heard ‘chittering’ coming from the tank. The other big crab was fighting with the changed-shell crab (I’m assuming it was over the shell). I moved the aggressive crab to the opposite side of the tank and added 5 more natural shells (which were cooling off from being boiled). There hasn’t been any chittering since so all seems well (as well as it can be in the 7th circle of heck).

11. Have there been any fumes or chemicals near the crabitat recently?

Not since I’ve had them. Before that I don’t know.

12. How often do you clean the tank and how?

I don’t think it’s ever been cleaned. I didn’t want to add more substrate or anything coz I didn’t want to encourage a molt before I could get them in to the tank.

They have a clean tank to move into tonight/as soon as it’s warm enough. While I’m waiting for it to warm, I’ll set up all the other ‘bits’ - water pools, hides, shells + extra shells coming soon, and tonnes of varied food every day. I think that as soon as they realise they can burrow they’ll all go down to molt. (Both water pools will sit in a larger container so the substrate underneath isn’t disturbed. Food plate will sit on top of another plate as well.

13. Are sponges used in the water dish? If so, how are they cleaned?

No sponges. Just spring water/spring water with ‘saltz’ - changed daily.

14. Has anything new been added to your crabitat recently?

A few more shells, better food, and a hide made from a margarine container (which I rinsed out with boiling water, washed with earth choice dishwashing liquid, rinsed thoroughly again, then re-rinsed with spring water and vinegar solution & let air dry).

This was because their Krabooz hut didn’t fit the 4 of them. Once 4 of them were in there, they couldn’t get out! They seem to like the margarine cave very much as all 4 are usually hanging out in or around there since. (Except for today with shell-wars and a molt).

15. Is there any other information you would like to share that might be helpful (anything that is regularly part of your crab care, playtime, bathing, etc.)?

Long story short, I ‘inherited’ these dudes from my 11yo cousin who just got a puppy and doesn’t think she’ll have time to care for them. I think her parents wanted to throw them in the bin or something similar. I kept hermit crabs as a kid 25+ years ago so thought I’d be fine. Thanks to HCA, I know why my hermit crabs (Push & Shove) weren’t long for the world. I was so distraught over them dying even though I followed all the (murder) instructions to the letter. I feel sick thinking about coz I think what I thought was a dead crab was actually a surface molt.

I’m trying to help these guys to a new environment & do everything in my power to ensure their survival.

My main problem is that I don’t have much money!

I know 20 gal is still too small for 4 crabs but it’s all I could afford on short notice. I managed to get a large(ish) 21w heat pad that will cover the back of the tank (above the substrate). I thought those were the most important 2 things, but now I’m stressing that I won’t have Seachem Prime or API Aquarium Salt til next weekend.

Any & all cost hacks around caring for m’dudes gratefully accepted! Cheers

16. Please describe the emergency situation in detail.

I heard ‘chittering’ from the Krabuze & found my 2 bigger crabs fighting. I believe it was over the new shell that one of them recently changed into. The only other available shells were the painted Krabooz ones. I moved the aggressor to the opposite side of the cage and added all the spare shells I had just finished sterilising in the hopes that a bit more variety would ease the tension.

In the meantime, I noticed one of the smaller crabs had buried itself as deep as possible and I’m assuming it’s trying to molt.

When I checked back to make sure no more fighting was happening, I saw that the ‘aggressor’ crab had also burrowed down as far as possible in the spot I moved him to. I’m assuming he’s also attempting a molt.


- Can I move the 2 remaining crabs to the new tank once it’s warmed up?

- Should I add more substrate on top of the 2 molters?

- Can I keep my electric blanket wrapped around the Krabooz so it stays dark and warm while they’re molting (since they can’t dig deep enough)?

- Can I make it though til next weekend just using spring water & saltz, or do I need to get my hands on some Seachem Prime & API Salt immediately (especially considering the new pools will be deeper than the dish they’re used to).

Any & all advice very much appreciated!

Sorry if my answers are a bit all over the place - I’m literally staring at the tank rn watching for any kind of action!


Re: Shell Wars & 2 Shallow Molts

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 1:15 am
by JenH26
JenH26 wrote:
Sun Aug 14, 2022 12:00 am
Since you've come to the emergency forum, we know you want a fast answer to your question. In order for us to figure out the problem as quickly as possible, we ask that you answer the following questions as best you can. Some of them may seem odd, but they're all designed to give us the information we need to give you a good solution for your problem. The things in the [ brackets ] are there to make this post easier to read once submitted. Thanks!

1. What kind of substrate is used in your tank and how deep is it?

In Krabooz (Krabuze!)
The substrate is whatever the pet shop sells with the Krabuze heck-box. It’s VERY shallow & I don’t think it’s ever been cleaned out or topped up.

New Tank (20g):
5:1 mix of play-sand & peat-moss, 6” deep but will probably make it 7-8” on one side.

2. Do you have gauges in the tank to measure temperature and humidity? If so, where are they located and what temperature and humidity do they usually read?

I only have the Krabuze thermometer/hygrometer. I plan to get a better model as soon as $$ allow.

When I got the crabs, the temp ‘tank’ was sitting at 16-17C. There are 2 x Krabooz 5w heat pads on the back of the tank that do exactly nothing.

They’re currently on the chest of drawers in my bedroom.

I’ve wrapped the tank in 2 layers of alfoil and then in my electric blanket & have managed to slowly get the heat up 22-24.

Humidity drops to about 60% when I open the door for water/food, but I spray it with lukewarm spring water and it gets back up to 80% pretty fast.

3. Is a heat source used in the tank? If so, what?

- 2 x Krabooz 5w heat matz (back of tank)
- 2 x layers of alfoil (tin foil) on back & sides
- 1 x electric blanket wrapped around entire tank (I move it off the lid & front during the day so they can get some natural light without also freezing.

In 20 gallon: I have a 21w 10” x 20.75” seed starter heat mat that I’m going to attach to the back of the tank(above substrate).

I will then insulate with alfoil/bubble wrap/foam board where possible

4. What types of water are available (fresh or salt) and how is the water treated (what brands of dechlorinator or salt mix and what ratio is used to mix it)?

Fresh spring water + fresh spring water with ‘krabooz saltz’ changed daily.

Thanks to this site, I’ve just found out that bottled water & ‘saltz’ are NOT to be used. Is there anything else ‘around the house’ I could use? I won’t be able to afford Seachem Prime & API Aquarium Salt C11 until next weekend.

I’m hoping that since they’ve survived for a year (roughly) on this crappy diet with saltz & spring water, they might last a week longer til I can get the right stuff?

5. What kinds of food do you feed and how often is it replaced?

I feed them a variety of foods from the Safe Food List on here. Fresh fruit, fresh veg, oats/other grains, nuts & I’ve just tried them on some apple baby food.

Their food is changed daily, along with their water.

When I got them, they’d been living on crab pellets & a Krabooz dry mix, with the occasional scrap of lettuce chucked in.

6. How long have you had the crab and what species is it, if known?

About a week. All 4 appear to be Australian Hermit Crabs.

7. Has your crab molted, and how long ago did it happen?

I think 1 crab is molting; the top of its shell is just visible (it’s one of those horrible Krabooz painted shells). A second crab has just burrowed down so might be molting as well.

8. What type of housing are the crabs kept in, what size is it and what kind of lid is on the housing?

They’re currently in abhorrent conditions. 4 x small-med sized crabs in one Krabuze container. It’s way too small, there’s no space to roam and it doesn’t allow for enough substrate to dig.

New Tank:
75L (20 g)
600 mm across (23”)
365 mm high (14”)
320 mm deep (12”)

I’m hoping I can heat it up fast and transfer the 3 crabs that aren’t molting, so the molting one can stay on its own in the Krabooz.

The only lid I have is a plastic tote lid. I’m going to cover that in clingwrap (Saran Wrap) + whatever else it needs to retain humidity & heat, but still be reachable to change food and water. I saw some cool stuff on here that I can probably copy!

9. How many crabs are in the tank and about how large are they?

4 Crabs - ranging from 1”-2.5”

10. How many extra shells are usually kept in the tank, if any?

There have only been 4 painted ‘Krabooz’ shells. I happened to have a spare shell that I added to the collection and one of the larger crabs changed almost immediately. Today I heard ‘chittering’ coming from the tank. The other big crab was fighting with the changed-shell crab (I’m assuming it was over the shell). I moved the aggressive crab to the opposite side of the tank and added 5 more natural shells (which were cooling off from being boiled). There hasn’t been any chittering since so all seems well (as well as it can be in the 7th circle of heck).

11. Have there been any fumes or chemicals near the crabitat recently?

Not since I’ve had them. Before that I don’t know.

12. How often do you clean the tank and how?

I don’t think it’s ever been cleaned. I didn’t want to add more substrate or anything coz I didn’t want to encourage a molt before I could get them in to the tank.

They have a clean tank to move into tonight/as soon as it’s warm enough. While I’m waiting for it to warm, I’ll set up all the other ‘bits’ - water pools, hides, shells + extra shells coming soon, and tonnes of varied food every day. I think that as soon as they realise they can burrow they’ll all go down to molt. (Both water pools will sit in a larger container so the substrate underneath isn’t disturbed. Food plate will sit on top of another plate as well.

13. Are sponges used in the water dish? If so, how are they cleaned?

No sponges. Just spring water/spring water with ‘saltz’ - changed daily.

14. Has anything new been added to your crabitat recently?

A few more shells, better food, and a hide made from a margarine container (which I rinsed out with boiling water, washed with earth choice dishwashing liquid, rinsed thoroughly again, then re-rinsed with spring water and vinegar solution & let air dry).

This was because their Krabooz hut didn’t fit the 4 of them. Once 4 of them were in there, they couldn’t get out! They seem to like the margarine cave very much as all 4 are usually hanging out in or around there since. (Except for today with shell-wars and a molt).

15. Is there any other information you would like to share that might be helpful (anything that is regularly part of your crab care, playtime, bathing, etc.)?

Long story short, I ‘inherited’ these dudes from my 11yo cousin who just got a puppy and doesn’t think she’ll have time to care for them. I think her parents wanted to throw them in the bin or something similar. I kept hermit crabs as a kid 25+ years ago so thought I’d be fine. Thanks to HCA, I know why my hermit crabs (Push & Shove) weren’t long for the world. I was so distraught over them dying even though I followed all the (murder) instructions to the letter. I feel sick thinking about coz I think what I thought was a dead crab was actually a surface molt.

I’m trying to help these guys to a new environment & do everything in my power to ensure their survival.

My main problem is that I don’t have much money!

I know 20 gal is still too small for 4 crabs but it’s all I could afford on short notice. I managed to get a large(ish) 21w heat pad that will cover the back of the tank (above the substrate). I thought those were the most important 2 things, but now I’m stressing that I won’t have Seachem Prime or API Aquarium Salt til next weekend.

Any & all cost hacks around caring for m’dudes gratefully accepted! Cheers

16. Please describe the emergency situation in detail.

I heard ‘chittering’ from the Krabuze & found my 2 bigger crabs fighting. I believe it was over the new shell that one of them recently changed into. The only other available shells were the painted Krabooz ones. I moved the aggressor to the opposite side of the cage and added all the spare shells I had just finished sterilising in the hopes that a bit more variety would ease the tension.

In the meantime, I noticed one of the smaller crabs had buried itself as deep as possible and I’m assuming it’s trying to molt.

When I checked back to make sure no more fighting was happening, I saw that the ‘aggressor’ crab had also burrowed down as far as possible in the spot I moved him to. I’m assuming he’s also attempting a molt.


- Can I move the 2 remaining crabs to the new tank once it’s warmed up?

- Should I add more substrate on top of the 2 molters?

- Can I keep my electric blanket wrapped around the Krabooz so it stays dark and warm while they’re molting (since they can’t dig deep enough)?

- Can I make it though til next weekend just using spring water & saltz, or do I need to get my hands on some Seachem Prime & API Salt immediately (especially considering the new pools will be deeper than the dish they’re used to).

- EDIT: Aggressor crab is back up top and hoeing in to the apple baby food. Could his appetite be a sign that he’ll be going back down to molt?

Any & all advice very much appreciated!

Sorry if my answers are a bit all over the place - I’m literally staring at the tank rn watching for any kind of action!


Re: Shell Wars & 2 Shallow Molts

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 5:29 am
by JenH26
JenH26 wrote:
Sun Aug 14, 2022 12:00 am
Since you've come to the emergency forum, we know you want a fast answer to your question. In order for us to figure out the problem as quickly as possible, we ask that you answer the following questions as best you can. Some of them may seem odd, but they're all designed to give us the information we need to give you a good solution for your problem. The things in the [ brackets ] are there to make this post easier to read once submitted. Thanks!

1. What kind of substrate is used in your tank and how deep is it?

In Krabooz (Krabuze!)
The substrate is whatever the pet shop sells with the Krabuze heck-box. It’s VERY shallow & I don’t think it’s ever been cleaned out or topped up.

New Tank (20g):
5:1 mix of play-sand & peat-moss, 6” deep but will probably make it 7-8” on one side.

2. Do you have gauges in the tank to measure temperature and humidity? If so, where are they located and what temperature and humidity do they usually read?

I only have the Krabuze thermometer/hygrometer. I plan to get a better model as soon as $$ allow.

When I got the crabs, the temp ‘tank’ was sitting at 16-17C. There are 2 x Krabooz 5w heat pads on the back of the tank that do exactly nothing.

They’re currently on the chest of drawers in my bedroom.

I’ve wrapped the tank in 2 layers of alfoil and then in my electric blanket & have managed to slowly get the heat up 22-24.

Humidity drops to about 60% when I open the door for water/food, but I spray it with lukewarm spring water and it gets back up to 80% pretty fast.

3. Is a heat source used in the tank? If so, what?

- 2 x Krabooz 5w heat matz (back of tank)
- 2 x layers of alfoil (tin foil) on back & sides
- 1 x electric blanket wrapped around entire tank (I move it off the lid & front during the day so they can get some natural light without also freezing.

In 20 gallon: I have a 21w 10” x 20.75” seed starter heat mat that I’m going to attach to the back of the tank(above substrate).

I will then insulate with alfoil/bubble wrap/foam board where possible

4. What types of water are available (fresh or salt) and how is the water treated (what brands of dechlorinator or salt mix and what ratio is used to mix it)?

Fresh spring water + fresh spring water with ‘krabooz saltz’ changed daily.

Thanks to this site, I’ve just found out that bottled water & ‘saltz’ are NOT to be used. Is there anything else ‘around the house’ I could use? I won’t be able to afford Seachem Prime & API Aquarium Salt C11 until next weekend.

I’m hoping that since they’ve survived for a year (roughly) on this crappy diet with saltz & spring water, they might last a week longer til I can get the right stuff?

5. What kinds of food do you feed and how often is it replaced?

I feed them a variety of foods from the Safe Food List on here. Fresh fruit, fresh veg, oats/other grains, nuts & I’ve just tried them on some apple baby food.

Their food is changed daily, along with their water.

When I got them, they’d been living on crab pellets & a Krabooz dry mix, with the occasional scrap of lettuce chucked in.

6. How long have you had the crab and what species is it, if known?

About a week. All 4 appear to be Australian Hermit Crabs.

7. Has your crab molted, and how long ago did it happen?

I think 1 crab is molting; the top of its shell is just visible (it’s one of those horrible Krabooz painted shells). A second crab has just burrowed down so might be molting as well.

8. What type of housing are the crabs kept in, what size is it and what kind of lid is on the housing?

They’re currently in abhorrent conditions. 4 x small-med sized crabs in one Krabuze container. It’s way too small, there’s no space to roam and it doesn’t allow for enough substrate to dig.

New Tank:
75L (20 g)
600 mm across (23”)
365 mm high (14”)
320 mm deep (12”)

I’m hoping I can heat it up fast and transfer the 3 crabs that aren’t molting, so the molting one can stay on its own in the Krabooz.

The only lid I have is a plastic tote lid. I’m going to cover that in clingwrap (Saran Wrap) + whatever else it needs to retain humidity & heat, but still be reachable to change food and water. I saw some cool stuff on here that I can probably copy!

9. How many crabs are in the tank and about how large are they?

4 Crabs - ranging from 1”-2.5”

10. How many extra shells are usually kept in the tank, if any?

There have only been 4 painted ‘Krabooz’ shells. I happened to have a spare shell that I added to the collection and one of the larger crabs changed almost immediately. Today I heard ‘chittering’ coming from the tank. The other big crab was fighting with the changed-shell crab (I’m assuming it was over the shell). I moved the aggressive crab to the opposite side of the tank and added 5 more natural shells (which were cooling off from being boiled). There hasn’t been any chittering since so all seems well (as well as it can be in the 7th circle of heck).

11. Have there been any fumes or chemicals near the crabitat recently?

Not since I’ve had them. Before that I don’t know.

12. How often do you clean the tank and how?

I don’t think it’s ever been cleaned. I didn’t want to add more substrate or anything coz I didn’t want to encourage a molt before I could get them in to the tank.

They have a clean tank to move into tonight/as soon as it’s warm enough. While I’m waiting for it to warm, I’ll set up all the other ‘bits’ - water pools, hides, shells + extra shells coming soon, and tonnes of varied food every day. I think that as soon as they realise they can burrow they’ll all go down to molt. (Both water pools will sit in a larger container so the substrate underneath isn’t disturbed. Food plate will sit on top of another plate as well.

13. Are sponges used in the water dish? If so, how are they cleaned?

No sponges. Just spring water/spring water with ‘saltz’ - changed daily.

14. Has anything new been added to your crabitat recently?

A few more shells, better food, and a hide made from a margarine container (which I rinsed out with boiling water, washed with earth choice dishwashing liquid, rinsed thoroughly again, then re-rinsed with spring water and vinegar solution & let air dry).

This was because their Krabooz hut didn’t fit the 4 of them. Once 4 of them were in there, they couldn’t get out! They seem to like the margarine cave very much as all 4 are usually hanging out in or around there since. (Except for today with shell-wars and a molt).

15. Is there any other information you would like to share that might be helpful (anything that is regularly part of your crab care, playtime, bathing, etc.)?

Long story short, I ‘inherited’ these dudes from my 11yo cousin who just got a puppy and doesn’t think she’ll have time to care for them. I think her parents wanted to throw them in the bin or something similar. I kept hermit crabs as a kid 25+ years ago so thought I’d be fine. Thanks to HCA, I know why my hermit crabs (Push & Shove) weren’t long for the world. I was so distraught over them dying even though I followed all the (murder) instructions to the letter. I feel sick thinking about coz I think what I thought was a dead crab was actually a surface molt.

I’m trying to help these guys to a new environment & do everything in my power to ensure their survival.

My main problem is that I don’t have much money!

I know 20 gal is still too small for 4 crabs but it’s all I could afford on short notice. I managed to get a large(ish) 21w heat pad that will cover the back of the tank (above the substrate). I thought those were the most important 2 things, but now I’m stressing that I won’t have Seachem Prime or API Aquarium Salt til next weekend.

Any & all cost hacks around caring for m’dudes gratefully accepted! Cheers

16. Please describe the emergency situation in detail.

I heard ‘chittering’ from the Krabuze & found my 2 bigger crabs fighting. I believe it was over the new shell that one of them recently changed into. The only other available shells were the painted Krabooz ones. I moved the aggressor to the opposite side of the cage and added all the spare shells I had just finished sterilising in the hopes that a bit more variety would ease the tension.

In the meantime, I noticed one of the smaller crabs had buried itself as deep as possible and I’m assuming it’s trying to molt.

When I checked back to make sure no more fighting was happening, I saw that the ‘aggressor’ crab had also burrowed down as far as possible in the spot I moved him to. I’m assuming he’s also attempting a molt.


- Can I move the 2 remaining crabs to the new tank once it’s warmed up?

- Should I add more substrate on top of the 2 molters?

- Can I keep my electric blanket wrapped around the Krabooz so it stays dark and warm while they’re molting (since they can’t dig deep enough)?

- Can I make it though til next weekend just using spring water & saltz, or do I need to get my hands on some Seachem Prime & API Salt immediately (especially considering the new pools will be deeper than the dish they’re used to).

- EDIT: Aggressor crab is back up top and hoeing in to the apple baby food. Could his appetite be a sign that he’ll be going back down to molt?

Any & all advice very much appreciated!

Sorry if my answers are a bit all over the place - I’m literally staring at the tank rn watching for any kind of action!


Re: Shell Wars & 2 Shallow Molts

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 9:50 pm
by hermitcrablover2
You can move the 2 remaining hermies, don't remove the molters until they've surfaced (what color is the "aggressor" hermit crab? If he's pale he probably just finished molting, if he's not he might be preparing to molt by eating a ton.) Don't add more substrate on top of the molters, don't disturb them at all. Keeping the electric blanket around the tank should be okay as long as the temp doesn't get too high. Ideally it's best if you could get another brand of salt ASAP (a brand such as Instant Ocean is better than API because it has more minerals and nutrients for crabbies.) If one of your hermit crab's just emerged and started eating a ton, he could just be hungry after molting, or he could be preparing to molt. If he's pale in color he most likely is just hungry after molting (:

Re: Shell Wars & 2 Shallow Molts

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 10:59 pm
by JenH26
The “aggressor” is a lightish brown colour at the moment, but I wouldn’t say ‘pale”. I feel like he’s preparing to molt, only coz none of them would have been able to before now (not dark enough, not enough food, not warm enough etc.) Also, he’s completely disappeared since his big feast 🤷‍♀️

Thank you! I’ll leave the substrate & everything as is for the molters & won’t move anything. If someone’s under a food or water dish I’ll have to find a solution for that too, so that food and water don’t go bad in the tank.

Re Salt: is this a higher priority than Seachem prime? Can I get away with good quality salt in bottled spring water? (I can only afford one at the moment 😑

Thanks so much for your wisdom! Time to get the 2 top-siders to their new home (where they’ll probably dig down and molt right away, poor things).

I’m sure I’ll be back here in a few hours with many more questions! Cheers!!

Re: Shell Wars & 2 Shallow Molts

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 11:06 pm
by curlysister
Welcome to crabbing and the HCA! You are doing great so far!

1. What kind of substrate is used in your tank and how deep is it?

In Krabooz (Krabuze!)
The substrate is whatever the pet shop sells with the Krabuze heck-box. It’s VERY shallow & I don’t think it’s ever been cleaned out or topped up.

New Tank (20g):
5:1 mix of play-sand & peat-moss, 6” deep but will probably make it 7-8” on one side.

2. Do you have gauges in the tank to measure temperature and humidity? If so, where are they located and what temperature and humidity do they usually read?

I only have the Krabuze thermometer/hygrometer. I plan to get a better model as soon as $$ allow.
Curly - These will do for now, many of us had crappy thermom/ hygrom to start!

When I got the crabs, the temp ‘tank’ was sitting at 16-17C. There are 2 x Krabooz 5w heat pads on the back of the tank that do exactly nothing.

They’re currently on the chest of drawers in my bedroom.

I’ve wrapped the tank in 2 layers of alfoil and then in my electric blanket & have managed to slowly get the heat up 22-24.

Humidity drops to about 60% when I open the door for water/food, but I spray it with lukewarm spring water and it gets back up to 80% pretty fast.

3. Is a heat source used in the tank? If so, what?

- 2 x Krabooz 5w heat matz (back of tank)
- 2 x layers of alfoil (tin foil) on back & sides
- 1 x electric blanket wrapped around entire tank (I move it off the lid & front during the day so they can get some natural light without also freezing.

In 20 gallon: I have a 21w 10” x 20.75” seed starter heat mat that I’m going to attach to the back of the tank(above substrate).

I will then insulate with alfoil/bubble wrap/foam board where possible

4. What types of water are available (fresh or salt) and how is the water treated (what brands of dechlorinator or salt mix and what ratio is used to mix it)?

Fresh spring water + fresh spring water with ‘krabooz saltz’ changed daily.

Thanks to this site, I’ve just found out that bottled water & ‘saltz’ are NOT to be used. Is there anything else ‘around the house’ I could use? I won’t be able to afford Seachem Prime & API Aquarium Salt C11 until next weekend.

I’m hoping that since they’ve survived for a year (roughly) on this crappy diet with saltz & spring water, they might last a week longer til I can get the right stuff?
Curly - Yes, they will be just fine. The Krabooz salt isn't harmful at all, it just doesn't provide all the minerals they need long term.

5. What kinds of food do you feed and how often is it replaced?

I feed them a variety of foods from the Safe Food List on here. Fresh fruit, fresh veg, oats/other grains, nuts & I’ve just tried them on some apple baby food.
Curly - Don't forget the calcium, egg shells are an easy cheap source, you can just save them from your kitchen.

Their food is changed daily, along with their water.
Curly - You likely don't need to change their water daily, every few days is enough. And you can leave drier things like grains and nuts in for longer too!

When I got them, they’d been living on crab pellets & a Krabooz dry mix, with the occasional scrap of lettuce chucked in.

6. How long have you had the crab and what species is it, if known?

About a week. All 4 appear to be Australian Hermit Crabs.

7. Has your crab molted, and how long ago did it happen?

I think 1 crab is molting; the top of its shell is just visible (it’s one of those horrible Krabooz painted shells). A second crab has just burrowed down so might be molting as well.

8. What type of housing are the crabs kept in, what size is it and what kind of lid is on the housing?

They’re currently in abhorrent conditions. 4 x small-med sized crabs in one Krabuze container. It’s way too small, there’s no space to roam and it doesn’t allow for enough substrate to dig.

New Tank:
75L (20 g)
600 mm across (23”)
365 mm high (14”)
320 mm deep (12”)

I’m hoping I can heat it up fast and transfer the 3 crabs that aren’t molting, so the molting one can stay on its own in the Krabooz.

The only lid I have is a plastic tote lid. I’m going to cover that in clingwrap (Saran Wrap) + whatever else it needs to retain humidity & heat, but still be reachable to change food and water. I saw some cool stuff on here that I can probably copy!

9. How many crabs are in the tank and about how large are they?

4 Crabs - ranging from 1”-2.5”

10. How many extra shells are usually kept in the tank, if any?

There have only been 4 painted ‘Krabooz’ shells. I happened to have a spare shell that I added to the collection and one of the larger crabs changed almost immediately. Today I heard ‘chittering’ coming from the tank. The other big crab was fighting with the changed-shell crab (I’m assuming it was over the shell). I moved the aggressive crab to the opposite side of the tank and added 5 more natural shells (which were cooling off from being boiled). There hasn’t been any chittering since so all seems well (as well as it can be in the 7th circle of heck).

11. Have there been any fumes or chemicals near the crabitat recently?

Not since I’ve had them. Before that I don’t know.

12. How often do you clean the tank and how?

I don’t think it’s ever been cleaned. I didn’t want to add more substrate or anything coz I didn’t want to encourage a molt before I could get them in to the tank.
Curly - Good plan!

They have a clean tank to move into tonight/as soon as it’s warm enough. While I’m waiting for it to warm, I’ll set up all the other ‘bits’ - water pools, hides, shells + extra shells coming soon, and tonnes of varied food every day. I think that as soon as they realise they can burrow they’ll all go down to molt. (Both water pools will sit in a larger container so the substrate underneath isn’t disturbed. Food plate will sit on top of another plate as well.

13. Are sponges used in the water dish? If so, how are they cleaned?

No sponges. Just spring water/spring water with ‘saltz’ - changed daily.

14. Has anything new been added to your crabitat recently?

A few more shells, better food, and a hide made from a margarine container (which I rinsed out with boiling water, washed with earth choice dishwashing liquid, rinsed thoroughly again, then re-rinsed with spring water and vinegar solution & let air dry).

This was because their Krabooz hut didn’t fit the 4 of them. Once 4 of them were in there, they couldn’t get out! They seem to like the margarine cave very much as all 4 are usually hanging out in or around there since. (Except for today with shell-wars and a molt).

15. Is there any other information you would like to share that might be helpful (anything that is regularly part of your crab care, playtime, bathing, etc.)?

Long story short, I ‘inherited’ these dudes from my 11yo cousin who just got a puppy and doesn’t think she’ll have time to care for them. I think her parents wanted to throw them in the bin or something similar. I kept hermit crabs as a kid 25+ years ago so thought I’d be fine. Thanks to HCA, I know why my hermit crabs (Push & Shove) weren’t long for the world. I was so distraught over them dying even though I followed all the (murder) instructions to the letter. I feel sick thinking about coz I think what I thought was a dead crab was actually a surface molt.

I’m trying to help these guys to a new environment & do everything in my power to ensure their survival.

My main problem is that I don’t have much money!
Curly - Once you have the tank, heat mats, and water / salt squared away, they won't be too expensive to maintain. People brag about spending thousands of dollars on tank set ups, but that is really not needed. I'm a thrifty crabber! I have had mine for almost 12 years, and they still have a 'dollar store' food container with a door cut out of the side!

I know 20 gal is still too small for 4 crabs but it’s all I could afford on short notice. I managed to get a large(ish) 21w heat pad that will cover the back of the tank (above the substrate). I thought those were the most important 2 things, but now I’m stressing that I won’t have Seachem Prime or API Aquarium Salt til next weekend.
Curly - 20 gallon will be fine for now, a huge step up from what they are in! You'll be fine without the salt for a bit too.

Any & all cost hacks around caring for m’dudes gratefully accepted! Cheers

16. Please describe the emergency situation in detail.

I heard ‘chittering’ from the Krabuze & found my 2 bigger crabs fighting. I believe it was over the new shell that one of them recently changed into. The only other available shells were the painted Krabooz ones. I moved the aggressor to the opposite side of the cage and added all the spare shells I had just finished sterilising in the hopes that a bit more variety would ease the tension.

In the meantime, I noticed one of the smaller crabs had buried itself as deep as possible and I’m assuming it’s trying to molt.

When I checked back to make sure no more fighting was happening, I saw that the ‘aggressor’ crab had also burrowed down as far as possible in the spot I moved him to. I’m assuming he’s also attempting a molt.


- Can I move the 2 remaining crabs to the new tank once it’s warmed up?
Curly - Yes.
- Should I add more substrate on top of the 2 molters?
Curly - I wouldn't. If you feel you need to keep them separated from each other, you can put something like an empty yogurt container with holes for air, or a cut down pop bottle with the lid off, over each of them.
- Can I keep my electric blanket wrapped around the Krabooz so it stays dark and warm while they’re molting (since they can’t dig deep enough)?
Curly - I would think this would be fine!
- Can I make it though til next weekend just using spring water & saltz, or do I need to get my hands on some Seachem Prime & API Salt immediately (especially considering the new pools will be deeper than the dish they’re used to).
Curly - Yes, absolutely. As I said above, the salt isn't harmful, it just doesn't have all the minerals they need long term.
Any & all advice very much appreciated!

Sorry if my answers are a bit all over the place - I’m literally staring at the tank rn watching for any kind of action!

Re: Shell Wars & 2 Shallow Molts

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 11:12 pm
by curlysister
I know that not all the same brands are available in AUS as in North America, so before you spend money on water conditioner/ dechlorinator and salt, be sure to have a read of our 'water' care sheet.
As I said, you'll be fine for another while, but I wouldn't want you to spend money and then realize you don't have a conditioner that removes everything it needs to from your water, or an aquarium salt and not a marine salt (you want marine).


Re: Shell Wars & 2 Shallow Molts

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 10:56 am
by JenH26
Thank you so much @curlysister & @hermitcrablover2!

I’ve managed to find a place near me that sells Instant Ocean, Seachem Vibrant Sea, as well as Seachem Prime😎 So that will be my next stop this coming weekend!

Cuttlefish counts as Calcium right? I’ve shared a cuttlefish bone between the 2 tanks. In the Krabooz I’ve crushed it up a bit in the off chance someone pops up. In the 20g I’ve stuck it upright in the sand so they can (hopefully) mess around with it. Definitely need to source some enrichment toys from around my house. Luckily I have a lot of junk 😏

1 quick follow up question about The Molters; do I keep changing the food and water every couple of days? Im assuming ‘yes’ since I don’t know when or how well they’ll come up.

Quick Update:
The 2 top-siders moved to the new tank & have mostly been doing laps and having swims. They pass each other very politely and have some/enough shells that there shouldn’t be fighting any time soon. More shells are coming soon.

As suspected, the original ‘aggressor’ has gone down to molt. At least I’m pretty sure that’s what’s going on - I can still see over half of his shell, but he’s quite still. Usually when I open the Krabooz door he wiggles about or peaks out at the food situation, so I’m taking his stillness as ‘The Molt’ and won’t disturb. The smaller crab has some how tunnelled from her original position to under the salt water dish, so I’ll have to get surgical about refreshing the water during this time 😅

As for now, it’s very quiet in the Krabuze & somewhat noisy in the 20gal 🥹 When I moved them, I let them walk off my hand into the substrate. I know HC’s eyes are pretty out there already, but I swear I saw them bulge when they looked around. And hearing them scuffle while I’m lying in bed is a joy!! Really hoping this is the start of our long lives together 🤞

Thanks again! 🙏

Re: Shell Wars & 2 Shallow Molts

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 1:19 pm
by hermitcrablover2
Yay! I'm glad the hermit crabs seem happy! Also yes, cuttlebone is a good source of calcium, but like Curly said, you can used crushed eggshell instead or as well as cuttlebone, eggshell is a lot cheaper because you can keep and wash the eggshells from eggs you and then just crush them and give them to the hermies (: Yes, you should keep changing the water and food, I don't know for sure but I don't think you have to change water until it gets dirty or it's empty. (Also if you want to tell whether hermit crabs have been eating or not, sometimes I'll find my crabbies have thrown sand and sub in the food, so sometimes I can tell when they've eaten because there'll be food and sand everywhere!)

Re: Shell Wars & 2 Shallow Molts

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 11:15 pm
by curlysister
Yeah, I stand my cuttle bone up like a 'surf board' in the sand, and they can bust off bits of it (altho when they are small you might not be able to tell they are eating much of it). One of the other forum members says he stands the cuttle bone up like a 'head stone'! LOL!

You don't have to put a lot of food out, just a bit of dried stuff so you don't have to change it as often and so there is something for them to nibble when they come back up (then you can add more when you see them top side). When I don't have any crabs up, I leave it until it's moldly. And I only change the water once a week. I'm a lazy AND thrifty crabber! Hahaha.

Re: Shell Wars & 2 Shallow Molts

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 12:07 am
by JenH26
Yep hermitcrablover2 - there was a bit of substrate in the pools & food I noticed after ‘aggressor’ had gone down. That’s good that I can change the water less frequently while they’re molting. Curlysister thanks for the thriftiness hack - food’s not coming out til it get a lil mouldy and then only dry stuff going back in. Everyone will be getting much eggshell going forward! And I will be eating many omelettes 😋

Re: Shell Wars & 2 Shallow Molts

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 11:15 pm
by curlysister
JenH26 wrote:
Tue Aug 16, 2022 12:07 am
Yep hermitcrablover2 - there was a bit of substrate in the pools & food I noticed after ‘aggressor’ had gone down. That’s good that I can change the water less frequently while they’re molting. Curlysister thanks for the thriftiness hack - food’s not coming out til it get a lil mouldy and then only dry stuff going back in. Everyone will be getting much eggshell going forward! And I will be eating many omelettes 😋
Hahaha, ew! I am not a fan of eggs! You don't have to put in a ton of eggshell. If you boil an egg and peel it, you can put it in the tank and the shell won't get gross or smelly like a raw egg would. It will last a while!

Re: Shell Wars & 2 Shallow Molts

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 11:36 pm
by CrabbyLover77
Just a quick mention of how I dry my eggshells when I have just a few of them (when I have a lot I bake them in the oven or air fryer in bake mode to dry). If you have shells from raw eggs, I rinse them out well, put them on a glass plate, and heat them in the microwave for 1-2 mins. That dries them up. You can then crush them up and store them in a bag or container for later.

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Re: Shell Wars & 2 Shallow Molts

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 6:56 pm
by JenH26
Oh great advice, thanks!!

Re: Shell Wars & 2 Shallow Molts

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 7:00 pm
by JenH26
Guys, is Redcoral Salt “ideal choice for all marine fish and invertebrates” alright for crabs? They had Seachem Marine or Seachem Reef salt, but only enormous expensive bags. The pet shop person said Redcoral Salt was the same?

Should I make this a new post??

As ever, thank you for your crabby wisdom!