Should I dig? Really worried about Norm!!

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Should I dig? Really worried about Norm!!

Post by Guest » Sat Mar 10, 2007 5:27 pm

There was a crab digging in the same area as Norm. Norm doesn't have a big pincher. So far this hasn't been a problem. No one had tried to bother him. They just acted like he was just anther one of the group. Then I saw either Fruit Loop or Pill. I couldn't tell which one it was exactly. Whoever it was was in Norm's shell. There was no sign of anyone else's shell being left on top of the surface though. Fruit Loop was the one digging near Norm and it wouldn't be the first time he had his eye on an occupied shell. Since I couldn't find anybody's shell they were in on the surface I had a bad feeling someone stole his shell and left him helpless, but then I though maybe he moved in to their shell since they left it were ever they stole his. I really want to dig to make sure he is ok. My molter's are in ISO so I wouldn't be bothering them. I just don't want Norm to dye or already be dead. Would it stress him out even more if I dug him up to check on him. What do I do? To dig or not to dig that is the question. Poor little Norm. I couldn't stand to loose him. He is apart of the original gang. Please HELP. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

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Post by Guest » Sat Mar 10, 2007 5:57 pm

if you think that Norm was trying to molt and definitely has had his shell stolen, it would probably be best to find him, even if it means digging him up. a naked crab really needs to get back in a shell asap, i would get an iso ready before you go to dig him up just incase. and then put lots of clean shells in, especially if his shell got stolen, he'll need a big variety to choose from. after he gets into a new shell i'd give him some time in iso to chill out a little, that would be a pretty stressful thing to go through. you might want to check out what kind of shell that is and try to get more if more of your crabs seem to want that kind. i hope everything works out and Norm is fine.

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Post by bksbuddha » Sun Mar 11, 2007 12:34 am

[smilie=hug.gif] I'm really sorry you're going through this right now. It's not an easy situation. I also hope & pray that you find Norm perfectly fine & healthy. If he did molt &/or is naked, I would offer him some honey w/cuttlebone powder or eggshells sprinkled on it. Also make sure to provide him w/both salt & fresh H2O in ISO. I'm sending happy vibes your way! [smilie=cheer.gif]
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Post by Guest » Sun Mar 11, 2007 2:46 pm

Well I dug down last night. I found Norm in Yo-Yo's shell. So it was Yo-Yo that was in Norm's shell. Does this mean that Yo-Yo stoled his shell and Norm was forced into his shell or do they switch sometimes?

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Post by Guest » Sun Mar 11, 2007 2:53 pm

Probably he stole the shell, adn the other was forced into another one. But at least he's in a shell now... Try getting some shells the same as his old one, maybe he'll switch back into one like it?

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Post by Guest » Sun Mar 11, 2007 3:36 pm

Yea. I need to get some like that. I had been trying to get Norm to pick something diffrent until I could get some like his for him to change into because it is the painted one he came in. Know Yo-Yo is back in a painted shell. At least Norm is in a natural shell finally. I am sure Yo-Yo will change shells again really soon. He can't seem to make up his mind. He had been changing shells about every few day's since I got him about two in a half three weeks ago. I just hope he doesn't get bored with that one and go steal someone else's shell. Can't wait till I get my tax money in so I can get some more shells for him. Maybe he'll find a home he likes soon. Nobody else seems to be worried about a new shell but him. He went from a turbo to a candy snail shell to another turbo to Norms shell. He will probably show up in something diffrent in a few day's. Poor Norm. The new nutty crab stole his home.
