by bksbuddha » Sun Mar 11, 2007 12:34 am
[smilie=hug.gif] I'm really sorry you're going through this right now. It's not an easy situation. I also hope & pray that you find Norm perfectly fine & healthy. If he did molt &/or is naked, I would offer him some honey w/cuttlebone powder or eggshells sprinkled on it. Also make sure to provide him w/both salt & fresh H2O in ISO. I'm sending happy vibes your way! [smilie=cheer.gif]
I march to the beat of a different drummer...did I mention my husband is a drummer!
PPs,Straws,Es,Ruggies, Violas, & Indos!
3 Hounds, 1 Bunny-Lilly, 6 PDFs, Corns-Slither,Squiggle,Sparkle,Spirit,& Skully, Crayfish-Chester & Little Fella, Ts-Allure, Charisma, & Ladybird!