Brand new marine crab owner here!

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Brand new marine crab owner here!

Post by Jstuder918 » Sun Oct 09, 2022 3:18 pm

Hello everyone! We just came home from a beach vacation and brought home 3 tiny long wristed hermit crabs from the Gulf area. I have already had lots of stress and trial and error with getting something set up for them. Since they are so small right now, I currently have them in a 5.5 gallon tank. I have a hide, small plant, and a rock for decor. I have about 2.5 inches of sand in the bottom. It’s a little more than halfway filled with saltwater. I have a submerged heater in the water that goes to 78 degrees.

First question is, is there anything else that I absolutely need for the tank?

My second question is, what types of foods are best for them? I currently have some dried baby shrimp I bought, but they don’t seem to sink easily. I also have some crab pellets, and they sink eventually.

I am just trying to learn as I go, so any advice for a newbie would be greatly appreciated!


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Re: Brand new marine crab owner here!

Post by MotleyMusicana » Mon Oct 10, 2022 5:57 pm

Welcome to crabbing! I don't have any expertise on marine hermit crabs, but hopefully someone else on here can help you :)
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Re: Brand new marine crab owner here!

Post by myllkti » Mon Feb 27, 2023 10:09 pm

Jstuder918 wrote:
Sun Oct 09, 2022 3:18 pm

First question is, is there anything else that I absolutely need for the tank?
Sounds like a good start! In terms of urgently need I didn’t see mentions of cycling? If you haven’t already, test kits a filter and some bacteria will help keep things clean!

My second question is, what types of foods are best for them? I currently have some dried baby shrimp I bought, but they don’t seem to sink easily. I also have some crab pellets, and they sink eventually.
Shrimp is great! I’ve heard mysis shrimp being used specifically. Also omega 1 pellets specifically though im not sure what you have. It may work just as well! Some pellets to can have harmful effects so just be wary. They also enjoy algae wafers and also grazing on any algae that grows in the tank that they can reach

And I never see it mentioned for marine crabs, but since they molt too, I would recommend occasionally dropping in some calcium for them once you can. Cuttlebone would probably do the trick!
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Re: Brand new marine crab owner here!

Post by turoconnor » Tue Nov 21, 2023 10:59 am

You might know already, but the salinity in smaller tanks is way harder to maintain than in larger ones. When water evaporates it leaves the salt behind and it can build up to high concentrations if youre not testing it and being careful. I don't know for crabs specifically but the salinity range I've heard is safe is 1.023-1.026.

Do you have a filter? My friends that keep saltwater reccomend Startsmart brand saltwater beneficial bacteria for cycling the tank.

Thats so cool, I would love to see the crabbies if you have pictures :D

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