Myrtle is back!

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Crabby Grammy
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Myrtle is back!

Post by Crabby Grammy » Sun Nov 06, 2022 3:20 am

I'm happy to report that Myrtle reappeared this evening after being underground for exactly one month. She also changed to a bigger shell. That was my clue she was back. I saw a shell I didn't recognize mixed in the shell shop. I started looking around the tank and could see the top of Ian's shell in the cocohut. He's dug a fox hole to sleep in and I could see him moving a bit. I kept looking around and lifted the moss in the moss cup and there she was in a pretty, green turbo shell (unpainted, unglossed natural shell). She had to climb the net ladder to get up there which made me pretty happy too! I'm assuming she molted when she went underground. I'm brand new to crab keeping and have only had them about 6 weeks. Ian molted in the moss cup about 3 weeks ago. It only took him 2 weeks to fully molt and he came down last week. He scattered all nine of the shells in the shell shop all over the tank several times over the course of a couple of days, but never picked one. Although he did carry one to the other side of the tank and hid it behind some artificial grass. I left it there. Thanks for listening. I'm really loving being a Crabby Grammy and now that Myrtle is back I'm not feeling so anxious that I'm not doing something right with their care.

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Re: Myrtle is back!

Post by Jlmills525 » Sun Nov 06, 2022 8:28 am

Happy that she's back and picked a nice shell! My crabs used to LOVE the green turbos.. now they're a bit bigger so its hard to find those in the size i need
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Re: Myrtle is back!

Post by curlysister » Mon Nov 07, 2022 11:35 am

Yay for first molts! Good job!
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Re: Myrtle is back!

Post by MotleyMusicana » Thu Nov 10, 2022 11:24 am

Congrats on the healthy molt! It sounds like you're doing really great with your crabs since the last time I saw you post, I'm so proud of you!! Sounds like Myrtle is thriving.
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Re: Myrtle is back!

Post by crabocado » Thu Nov 10, 2022 10:36 pm

It's great to read this happy tale! It always feels like a bit of a miracle when a crab emerges from the underworld, so to speak.

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