Adoption success stories.

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Re: Adoption success stories.

Post by ElleGirl » Sun Jun 30, 2013 11:40 am

Today I adopted three new hermit crabs from an older gentleman and his young son (adopted! =D).
When they were described to me I was told they were half-dollar, quarter and dime sized and when crazy looking for shells small enough for the little one. Come to find out this morning that he meant the opening of the shells were that size! So the crabs were all significantly larger than I was expecting, so that's a bonus!
They came with sand, an adhesive heating pad, a thermometer/ humidity gauge, lots of sponges, shells, bowls, salt mixes and tons of food. Unfortunately three of the containers of food were the Zoo Med Hermit Crab Food, that has copper sulfate and dangerous preservatives so I wont be feeding those to them, but the others are good.

Another unfortunate thing is that the smallest crab, the PP, has recently molted and dropped it's big pincer. =[ It is also completely unwilling to come out of it's shell. It is indeed alive, but hasn't come out since we picked them up this morning. I'm going to be keeping a very close eye on these guys.

Here's a few pictures! =]

Unnamed: ... 0_1312.jpg

Mako: ... 0_1319.jpg

Handy: ... 0_1320.jpg
Happily, a hermie caretaker since 2000. Teaching my tentative husband and tenacious three year old everything I know.
Hermie - PP - rip 2002
Racer - E- rip 2003
PPs: Lady (Medium) and Handy (Small) - pp
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Re: Adoption success stories.

Post by ElleGirl » Sun Jun 30, 2013 11:46 am

Does anyone know if the unnamed crab is an E or a Ruggie? It does not have the pin-stripping of a typical E, nor are it's feet darker, ect. It does have the stiching typical of Ruggies and some Es.



Happily, a hermie caretaker since 2000. Teaching my tentative husband and tenacious three year old everything I know.
Hermie - PP - rip 2002
Racer - E- rip 2003
PPs: Lady (Medium) and Handy (Small) - pp
Es: Happy (Large), Mako (Large), and Pinchy (Medium)

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Re: Adoption success stories.

Post by jesse0319 » Sun Jun 30, 2013 11:47 am

daw so cute~ Except for the food, it sounds like they were pretty well cared for. Good luck with your new crabs~

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Re: Adoption success stories.

Post by Kody_Moss » Sun Jun 30, 2013 11:52 am

I would say E. All three look like E's to me. But then again, I haven't seen many Ruggies.. The eyes are what makes me think they're E's. They're "candy-corn" shaped.
Proud owner of five gorgeous Purple Pinchers: Napoleon (male), Cleopatra (female), Lucius Verus (male), Indira Gandhi (female), and Giovanni Lanza (male)

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Re: Adoption success stories.

Post by Kody_Moss » Sun Jun 30, 2013 11:55 am

And they all look great! As far as the one who dropped his BP, you might wanna chop/dice/prepare food in smaller pieces for him. I think they use the BP to break up food. You might do big and small pieces so the others can still get the enrichment from tearing apart food, while giving him both options if he wants to go with smaller pieces.
Proud owner of five gorgeous Purple Pinchers: Napoleon (male), Cleopatra (female), Lucius Verus (male), Indira Gandhi (female), and Giovanni Lanza (male)

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Re: Adoption success stories.

Post by ElleGirl » Sun Jun 30, 2013 2:16 pm

Kody_Moss wrote:I would say E. All three look like E's to me. But then again, I haven't seen many Ruggies.. The eyes are what makes me think they're E's. They're "candy-corn" shaped.

the last one, the one with the missing bp, is a PP.
And Ruggies have the very very similar eyes to Es.
Happily, a hermie caretaker since 2000. Teaching my tentative husband and tenacious three year old everything I know.
Hermie - PP - rip 2002
Racer - E- rip 2003
PPs: Lady (Medium) and Handy (Small) - pp
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Re: Adoption success stories.

Post by parrothead » Sun Jun 30, 2013 4:11 pm

Wodesorel emailed me a few days ago about 4 crabs in GA about an hour from here. A few phone calls later, I was able to meet the owner and take them back to TN with me :-) She had 2 small Es in painted shells and two PPs one Medium size in a murex and the other is still under ground. They were in a 5 gallon with semi adequate substrate and water/food supplement. I took a pic of the tank and thee of the four crabs. Brooke was kind enough not to take any money for them and included their tank which will make an excellent ISO for my smaller crabs! Very nice girl and happy we were able to meet.
These two got a bath because they seemed so dry, their names are Autumn and Cashew (already named)
This is Sumi and she's mean as a snake! See that mean ole' claw? She won't even come out for me :( maybe another time.

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Re: Adoption success stories.

Post by ElleGirl » Sun Jun 30, 2013 4:21 pm

AWW! they're really cute!!
Sorry about your mean PP! i've got an extremely shy one I adopted today who wont come out for anything!
Happily, a hermie caretaker since 2000. Teaching my tentative husband and tenacious three year old everything I know.
Hermie - PP - rip 2002
Racer - E- rip 2003
PPs: Lady (Medium) and Handy (Small) - pp
Es: Happy (Large), Mako (Large), and Pinchy (Medium)

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Re: Adoption success stories.

Post by parrothead » Sun Jun 30, 2013 4:43 pm

Thank you! Congratulations on your new adoptees :-D

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Re: Adoption success stories.

Post by Gummihopper » Tue Sep 10, 2013 9:36 pm

I picked up 13 hermies plus a 40 gallon tank and supplies from a lovely woman who couldn't take care of them. There were 7 each of strawberries and violas, but one straw didn't make it up from a molt when she cleaned out the tank. All in all, they look healthy and have been happily digging and climbing. Seems like the majority of them have gone down for a mass molt the past couple of weeks, so I'm glad I got a snapshot of each before they disappeared.

The straws:

The violas:

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Re: Adoption success stories.

Post by Petlover » Wed Sep 11, 2013 7:02 am

Congrats on your adoptions! Those top two straws are so stunning that I'm beginning to drool! Haha
5 purple pinchers in a recently upgraded 40 gallon tank
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Re: Adoption success stories.

Post by wodesorel » Wed Oct 02, 2013 10:41 pm

We did two adoptions last month, less then a week apart, and it went beautifully.

The first was an emergency adoption after the original adopter had to back out at the last minute. The crabs were already dug up and the tank was already torn down! We were able to meet her the next day (she kindly drove to us). The little E is currently down molting, and the PPs that was molting when we received him has hardened up and is pigging out in the food dish every single night. :)

The other adoption was from a wonderful long-time hermit crabber who decided it was time to find a new home for her remaining three hermits. They are old, gorgeous and big crabs, and they have so much personality! I'm keeping them in their original tank until they settle in and we hopefully make the upgrade to our tank, and then they'll probably blend in with all of my big guys. For now they are trashing the tank nightly, changing shells daily, and eating themselves senseless. :)

These three hermits are outstanding, as was their owner and her husband. It was a longer drive for them then it was for us (and we took an hour and half to get there!), and I'm so happy that she felt comfortable with us being the ones to take them in that she was willing to do that. (And her husband, can't forget how great both of our hubby's were for putting up with us and making the pilgrimage!) The oddest part was that we met up in the same parking lot that I adopted an E at almost a year ago to the day, and it took getting there before we realized it was the same location! :lol: Funny how things work that way.
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Re: Adoption success stories.

Post by HermitMickey00 » Mon Oct 07, 2013 5:37 pm

I just did my first adoption ever, and I must say, it was QUITE a success!
I met her about fifteen minutes away from my house, she had taken great care of him and they have GREAT coloring. Im in love! The lady was SO SO SO SO SO SO nice! Very caring too, she talked to us about their old habitat, and Im so greatful. The crabs are SO active, she had them for about two years. I just wanted to say, you shouldn't be afraid to adopt! Its a great experience and you're defiantly getting healthier, more active crabs in the long run then from a petstore.
Proud owner of:
Two GORGEOUS PP's- Speedy and Spotty
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Re: Adoption success stories.

Post by pinkindosarecool » Sun Nov 03, 2013 2:38 pm

A few months ago I adopted 5 crabs! Atlas (a PP), Lil Scoot (a PP), P-Body (a PP), Tiny (a very large PP), and Chime (an E). They were all very healthy which is a plus considering a lot of my previous crabs were from so-so conditions. They're doing great and two have been through molts so far (one is underground). I really recommend adopting crabs. They are usually very healthy; and if they aren't then you're giving them a good home. So, its a win-win! :crabbigsmile:
Owner of 22 beautiful crabs, a puppy, too many herps, some crayfish, the 3 most wonderful tarantulas, an emperor scorpion, 2 rats, a squirrel, 2 hedgehogs, a chinchilla, 2 degus, a cat, and a fennec fox. In short, I have a full house!

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Re: Adoption success stories.

Post by Hermitguy92 » Sun Dec 01, 2013 7:07 am

Figured I'd post on my most recent rescues. :)

Not including petstore "rescues". (5 out of 8 are petstore "rescues".)
After some email exchanges; on August 20, 2013 I received Nim, I was very lucky his previos owners drove over an hour to my house to drop him off. He was very small at the time. All he had was a dusting of sand on the bottom of his 10g and a shell filled with zoomed pellets and another with water, mind you it was scollop shells.. Now today he's definetly about a medium sized crab, he spends most of his time molting, but once the light goes out he out and about wrecking the tank. :)

This adopting was a little confusing. I was told five hermit crabs, then three, but when they came they had two. But luckily they drove them to me also; hour and a half, so i know they loved them.They are now named Otik and Nova. They came with nothing, but my Nova was a gift in herself. She is quit frankly my favorite because out of all my hermit crabs she is the only one to come to the side of the tank when she sees me while the others take cover. LOL

I reccomend adoption, but if your traveling; bring someone with you. If they are driving to you make sure your not alone. Be safe and continue crabbing! :D

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