Questions about movement and shell change?

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Questions about movement and shell change?

Post by metfan » Tue Mar 31, 2015 9:18 am

My daughter came home from North Carolina with 3 crabs. I now know this is a horrible industry and she should have never supported it but what is done is done. I immediately went out and got all the supplies. 20 gallon tank, heater, sand, climb toys, salt water, water clarifier, temp and humidity gauge etc (thanks to this site). However, they seemed much more active in the awful, small, wire cage they were sent home in. The temp and humidity are in range and they are somewhat active. They have a cool side and a warm side in the tank. One hangs our almost constantly in the cool area while the other two like it under the hidaway on the warm side. We have about 4 to 5 inches of sand. They are small crabs. They were just much more active in the small cage. My husband seems to think this means they were happier. Do you think they are just content now and were stressed before. Also (please do not yell), they are still in their painted shells! I know this is bad but how do we encourage them to change? We have a few sizes of natural shells in the tank but they do not seem interested. By the way, we have had them about 2 weeks. We really are trying our best. Thank you.

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Re: Questions about movement and shell change?

Post by rednerite » Tue Mar 31, 2015 9:43 am

Hi Metfan!

Can you give us some more detailed specs of your tank? Such as: type of sand substrate, temperature/humidity, and how many extra shells are offered?

Regarding shell changing, always boil new shells and let them cool off before offering. I find dipping them in a saltwater mix before offering increases the attention the crabs will give them. You will want to try and get at least 2-3 shells per crab to choose from (so 6-9 new shells for your 3 new crabs). If they are purple pincher crabs, the smaller ones usually like Turbo shells.

They will change shells when they are ready, just be sure there are enough to choose from, that they are boiled beforehand, and that the sizes of the shells are close to what they are currently wearing.

For salt water, if you have not picked it up yet, I recommend Red Sea or Instant Ocean salt mix from the pet store. You should mix 1/2 cup salt to 1 gallon of water. I usually buy a gallon from the store and mix the salt in.

If you are using tap water, make sure to mix it with a dechlorinator such as Aqueon tap water conditioner (this breaks down both chlorine, chloramine, heavy metals, ammonia and has a slime coat which does not appear to have any effect on crabs).

Let us know about the temperature/humidity in your tank, this may have an effect on the crab's activity. Also, don't forget that crabs are mostly nocturnal! If you are finding your tank decorations and their food trashed the next day, I guarantee they are partying at night when you don't see them.
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Re: Questions about movement and shell change?

Post by metfan » Tue Mar 31, 2015 9:58 am

Thank you for your response. This site has literally been a life saver. The pet stores don't know much. My crabs would have died without this site and your advice. I need more shells apparently. I only have 3 in there now. Any thoughts on where to buy? I do not live near a big pet store. The temp is 74 right now. It does get warmer during the day. It ranges between 74 and 80. The humidity is 72 currently. However, that is not maintained. It ranges between 50 and 80. We have covered about 2/3 of the top with plexiglass. I am also thinking my water bowls are too small. I do have instant ocean and decholorinator. I have 3 water bowls. One fresh, declorinated water, one salt water, and one with a sponge. They are pretty small though. About 3 inches. We are using play sand as substrate. I am trying to figure out how to post a photo.

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Re: Questions about movement and shell change?

Post by rednerite » Tue Mar 31, 2015 10:10 am

Hi Metfan,

The fluctuating humidity may be contributing to your crabs' level of activity. I would try to cover the whole top of the cage with plexi (if you have a drillbit at home, you can drill small holes in it for ventilation) or just use saran wrap from the kitchen. Lift the cover and let some fresh air in once a day for 30 minutes to an hour if you can't drill holes in the cover.

Bigger water bowls may also help if you have room for them (I often use deep tupperware dishes pushed down in to the substrate with plastic plants to climb in/out). If you can get an air pump with an air stone in one of the dishes, this will definitely help increase humidity, but you will still want the top covered to help keep the humidity stable in the tank. You can get a cheap air pump rated for 10-20 gallon tanks at Walmart in their pet section.

Regarding shells, if you can find a dollar store, or an arts and crafts supplies store like Michael's or A.C. Moore they usually have bags of shells that are suitable for really cheap. Otherwise check on EBay, you may be able to find a group of the size you need for fairly cheap with flat rate shipping.
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Re: Questions about movement and shell change?

Post by metfan » Tue Mar 31, 2015 10:27 am

Excellent ideas! I love the tupperware idea. I was just shopping online and cannot find any decent bowls. I don't know why but I was thinking plastic was bad? I will try the plastic wrap now and see what happens. My daughter takes them out a few times a day and that is when they get really active. Maybe they are mad because they are nocternal? We have many dollar stores in the area (doesn't every area have too many). I will check them out and also check joanns. Thank you so much.

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Re: Questions about movement and shell change?

Post by wodesorel » Tue Mar 31, 2015 10:28 am

One big thing to realize is that a very active crab is usually a crab that is panicking or is in desperate search of something, like cover or food. It's not entirely normal to have crabs that are constantly roaming around non-stop. There are exceptions, but a normal healthy happy crab will normally sit around a lot and will plod along when it's time to move. It's the same thing with baths - everyone thinks that the hyperactivity they show after a bath means they like it, but in reality it's a sign of them panicking and not understanding what has happened to them - they're trying to get away, or find high ground, or just are simply freaking out. Having crabs that chill out and do their own thing and stay under cover most of the time is what you want to aim for, as it means they're comfortable in their environment.
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Re: Questions about movement and shell change?

Post by metfan » Tue Mar 31, 2015 10:50 am

I was thinking the same thing. Maybe they were active in the wire cage because they were scared. Think about it. They are put in a huge wire cage in a gift shop with little to no care. Then my daughter buys them and they are put in a small wire cage with no temp regulation or subsrate. They then are put in a car and driven for 10 hours. Finally, I get them a proper habitat. So many changes in a few days. Of course they were panicked. I hope they are having an "ahh..." moment. They are hopefully content and happy. I feel badly for these poor creatures. They are active at night. I can tell because there are all kinds of tracks in the sand in the morning. This is a horrible industry. I really feel horrible that we supported it.

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Re: Questions about movement and shell change?

Post by Asheka » Tue Mar 31, 2015 11:45 am

Don't be hard on yourself, or your daughter. You're giving these guys a chance at a long and happy life now. Unfortunately, the business will always be there and you're doing great with them!
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Re: Questions about movement and shell change?

Post by rednerite » Tue Mar 31, 2015 8:59 pm

Yes, don't be too hard on yourself. We have all been there at one point or another in life (there's so many industries out there) the important thing is that you are doing right researching, getting the right set up, and teaching your daughter about all of it! The crabs are active at night, so that's great and means they are settling in, and not panicked. They are definitely more of a "sit and watch" type of pet rather than an interactive one. Crabkeeping for kids can become more fun/interactive if you get your kids involved in cooking/baking natural treats/foods for the crabs so they can see how what they made is devoured and therefore appreciated by the crabs. Tank decorations and "renovations" are also fun, kids usually enjoy picking out stuff to add to the tank and rearranging it. I find the occasional 'reno helps switch up the landscape for the crabs so they will come out and explore. This helps promote more activity without being too stressful since they don't leave the stable tank environment, just their furniture/surroundings changes!

Keep the questions coming, we are happy to help advise you on your crabby adventures!
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Re: Questions about movement and shell change?

Post by metfan » Thu Apr 02, 2015 6:56 am

We took the advice and switched up the tank some. We put wrap on the top which helps with maintaining the humidity. I got up at 3 am last night and checked on them. One was climbing this metal thingie we have in the tank, one seemed to be bathing, and one was in the corner. I got up a few hours later and the were all in the cave. It seems nighttime is party time. I'm intrigued about making our own food. That might be fun. They are fascinating little guys. Thank you all for the advice.
