New crab, odd shell

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New crab, odd shell

Post by Momadopolis » Fri Jul 31, 2015 8:17 pm

We went to petsmart tonight to get some feeder fish and I walked over to the crabs. This little guy was huddled in the corner behind the "moss pit" as far away from the larger crabs as possible. S/he is pretty pale. The salesperson said he was out of his shell yesterday and just finished surface molting.


I actually thought he was dead until he was picked up. I've never seen a crab in a shell like this.
I don't know the gender yet and I'm still pondering names.

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Re: New crab, odd shell

Post by wodesorel » Fri Jul 31, 2015 8:43 pm

I hope he does okay! A surface molt and running naked. That's a lot to go through, but the little ones bounce back faster.

I adopted one this year that was in a very similar shell, and like you it was the first time I'd seen one in one. She molted immediately and then changed the moment she came up.

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Re: New crab, odd shell

Post by Momadopolis » Sat Aug 01, 2015 10:58 am

What a cutie! I love the little ones. I've named my new little guy (still don't know gender!) Nugget. He's chilling out in iso until he's not so pale and I'm sure the molting process is complete. I think he might like the shell he's in. He's got a dozen tiny shells to change into if he wants.

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18 PP..Doc, Ollie (Elephant), 8 Ball, Squidward, Plankton, Jägerbomb, Al Capone, Gremlin, Lila, Prozac, Paxil, Rufus, King Henry VIII, Queen Elizabeth I and Robert Dudley.
3 E's..
Oh, and 3 kids and a Husband.

RIP Krabby Patty and Baby
