New hermit crab owner
Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 6:58 pm
Almost two months ago I took a road trip Dallas or actually grapevine near Dallas and I saw a hermit crab stand next to wear we were eating. I convinced my mom two lend me a whopping 30 Dollars for 1 crab one "year supply" of FMR hermit crab food and a half gallon tank. My hermit crab first day was in a plastic tank with tap water on the Bottom in a hotel. His 2nd was very stressful because he was in a car driving two hours back and he got kicked by my 6 year old sister. When we got home he spent two more days in the small tank. My moms 29 gallon bio cube had fish that recently died And my mom said I could use it. It then spent a whole other day in a tank with no substrate. That night I did one of my favorite things and I researched everything I could. I looked at every YouTube video and lots of websites. The next day I was fully informed on everything I needed for my hermit crab. I got 7 inches of substrate in and humidity was up all the way 80 percent. The only thing I needed was another hermit crab which I got 2weeks after. Now they have upgraded to a forty gallon tank which I got for mowing my neighbors yard! But my problem is mold. It's growing and o take it out and OVER NIGHT it comes back worse than it was before. My mom opened my tank and let the humidity way down with out my knowledge trying to dry the mold out. I made sure she wouldn't do it again. I am only 13 and have little ways to make money so please try to give cheap effective suggestion. Thanks!