Aaaaannnndddd.........cue the addiction.

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Aaaaannnndddd.........cue the addiction.

Post by Sassypants » Sun Jan 25, 2015 1:43 am

Well, we've now officially succumbed to GHHC (Gotta Have Hermit Crabs). We went to the pet store with the idea to pick out three little guys as companions for Crabcakes, our large singleton. We walked out with five, not being able to decide between several of them. We brought home one teeny, and four smalls of various small-ish size. They are being quarantined in a very nicely appointed 10 gallon until they get moved into the 29 gallon with Crabcakes. Then, whenever I get my act together, there's a 55 gallon sitting in the garage waiting to be turned into Crabtopia.

The teeny and one of the others made a beeline for the hide and dug themselves in. Another did an immediate shell change (into something too small) as soon as he was placed in the tat. Makes you wonder how awful he felt in that painted shell. He later changed into a shell of more appropriate size. The fourth one has been busily inspecting the tat and changing shells faster than a tween girl can text. :lol: So we have two out of the painted shells already.....Yay!!!

The fifth one looks to be a possible problem child. He's in a shell that's much too large for him, and he didn't budge for hours after we placed him in the tank. I picked him up to check on him, and he popped his claws and feelers out, so he seems to be doing OK. Later, he had moved to the back of the tank and was resting by the heater. Hopefully he just needs time to chill and de-stress.

Names to follow after we all get to know each other better. :D
Crabby since 11/14
Kids with shells: Crabcakes, Fritter, Rangoon, Gumbo, Chowder, Noodle, Chip, Eggs, Peach and Bagel
Kids with fur: Cheyenne, Rumer, Skyler
RIP: PP Jambalaya

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Re: Aaaaannnndddd.........cue the addiction.

Post by YYWW » Sun Jan 25, 2015 1:55 am

Welcome to the madness! It's going to be a long ride. Enjoy it all!

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Re: Aaaaannnndddd.........cue the addiction.

Post by singlemomwithcrab » Sun Jan 25, 2015 3:02 am


I mean this in the nicest way. As a part of your new addiction support group pictures are a necessity :D


The above link will tell you how to feed your support group's need for pictures :D
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Re: Aaaaannnndddd.........cue the addiction.

Post by Sassypants » Sun Jan 25, 2015 3:18 am

Thanks Single mom! And remember... You asked for it! :lol:
Crabby since 11/14
Kids with shells: Crabcakes, Fritter, Rangoon, Gumbo, Chowder, Noodle, Chip, Eggs, Peach and Bagel
Kids with fur: Cheyenne, Rumer, Skyler
RIP: PP Jambalaya

What if the Hokey Pokey really IS what it's all about?
