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New to HCA

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 12:21 pm
by Rink2716
Hello everyone!!!

I am new to the HCA and have just recently upgraded our crabitat to a 75g tank from a 20g this past week!! Super Exciting!! We have 15 crabs total currently, approximately 6 are above ground and the rest have dug themselves under. We used 12 blocks of eco earth to fill the tank up to about 6 to 7 inches of substrate throughout the entire tat. I would ideally like to have 3 to 5 more inches in that tat, what do you think??? We currently have two watering holes ( fresh and salt water ) though my hubby wants to attempt to make one from plexiglass with bubblers.... we shall see how this works :) Since we just updated the tat size we ordered some lovely additions of climbing apparatuses and natural shells for the hermies just waiting on their arrival ( thinking about adding another level with a moss pit -- though the humidity level has stayed very constant and no issues as of late. Everyday we are learning new things about these amazing guys and gals and joined the HCA to help improve our crabitat and the health of our crabbies. Looking at the forums and comments from all the members gives an awesome feeling of constructive feedback!! Excited to be apart of the group!!!

The Beast (75g tat)


Re: New to HCA

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 12:26 pm
by megmaholm
Welcome!! Your tank looks great and I'm sure will be even more awesome after you add the stuff you ordered. As far as adding more substrate, you can never have too much, so of course I say go for it. :lol: I definitely recommend a moss pit if you have room for it - even if your humidity is stable, most crabs love to hang out in the moss and eat it.

Re: New to HCA

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 9:31 am
by wodesorel
Very nice!!! :D And what meg said about the moss is all too true, I always pick out 21 crabs in there when I clean it, like clockwork. Plus, it'll be more at eye level so you'll get to see them more easily.

Re: New to HCA

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 4:26 pm
by Crabinski
Moss pits (and shell shops) work very as second levels, freeing up floor space. By installing second levels (suction cup shower caddies are great), you give the crabs more things to climb as well.

Re: New to HCA

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 5:43 pm
by Breeezy
Very cool! I love the little log hidey cave thing you have!

Re: New to HCA

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 6:04 pm
by Rink2716
Thanks everyone!!!! We FINALLY got our new supplies !! Still needing to add the extra substrate to the tat but with a tank this size getting everything out and etc with a toddler running around becomes a task in itself though my son is very eager to help in any way possible which is helpful and also .... dirty haha .... we received some chola wood and created our own new 3d climbing "bridge"


What do you think? Very sturdy!! We have only seen one hermie ( Jelly bean ) trying it out though most of our PP's seem to be land dwellers.. time will only tell. Our SW Pool is in the Left back corner and our Fresh water is closer to the middle right ( hard to see since both of the pools are mostly under the dirt though it is fully deep enough for my biggest to submerge himself ( I'll be posting pictures of the few that are above and not molting ATM in the hermie's photos viewtopic.php?f=8&t=103252 ).

Moss pit is being under construction... though the suction cups are a no go since the hubby thinks they look "tacky" .... so we will be figuring out how to place it without showing the suction cups..

Re: New to HCA

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 11:33 pm
by incycle
The cholla wood is so gorgeous. WOW what a fab tank!!! I only have a 15 gallon it took a certain amount of pre-organization to make sure putting everything in (with a 10 year old) wouldn't get too sloppy, so I can only imagine your 75 gallon and a toddler!
Thank you for posting that pic, it gives me inspiration! :innocent: