New Crab Owner! :) help me help my babies!

Please post here if you are a new crab owner and someone will be along shortly to welcome you to the HCA! This is also the place to welcome new crabbies to your clan!
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New Crab Owner! :) help me help my babies!

Post by Motherofcobras » Wed Oct 14, 2015 2:37 am

Hey HCA! My name is Liz and I am a new crab owner...well, technically I am a co-owner. I am 21 years old and live with my parents, my brother and his family. My mom bought my niece and nephew two hermit crabs from the mall, thinking they would be great pets for kids (mistake #1)... :| poor died within a couple weeks, so I did some research. I have always wanted to be a reptile owner but have not been able to afford it, however I knew the small cage and conditions Batman was being kept in was not acceptable. I saved up a little money, dragged my mom and boyfriend to the pet store with me, and bought a few supplies, as well as another crab. We made a few mistakes so far and I have tried my best to reverse them and make the best home possible for them. Good news is that Batman is stronger and healthier and more active than ever! Bad news is Mary Jane has been burrowed since we brought her home. I think she is suffering from PPS. She has eaten some which is a relief. I am going to watch her and hope she pushes through all the stress poor thing! Here lies my problem: my mom insists on taking both crabs out of the cage a few times EVERY DAY! I know she is concerned, she is a nurse, and over cares for all things seemingly sick. I have tried to share with her the facts I have learned, texted her tidbits of information that I hoped would convince her to stop handling Mary Jane at least. But she insists on bathing (with TAP WATER) handling, forcing them out of their comfy holes way way way too often. She seems to be doing it less but I have caught her doing it behind my back even! I am really worried for both of their health because of this. Especially Mary Jane, and it is only going to be worse once the kids move back in with us. Is there anything I can do for them? Do you have any tips or tricks on handling these types of situations? Thanks for listening and caring for these creatures with me :)) all my family thinks I am crazy for caring so much about a crab lol

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Re: New Crab Owner! :) help me help my babies!

Post by Dan H » Wed Oct 14, 2015 2:46 am

Since she's a nurturing type I think showing her information in the guides and various threads in these sections will help her understand more about these little crabbies and their need to not be poked and prodded constantly.

Care Sheets
Crab Behavior
Health and Breeding

Using threads from around the forums and the guides you can cite many examples of experienced crabbers giving all kinds of information about handling and behavior and how they shouldn't be given to kids to run around with as if they are the new action figure for the sandbox. :lol:

It is also a good thing to check out (especially the Care sheets) to get an idea of what exactly they require on your end though it sounds like you've already started checking some of the information out!

In regards to what to do about the actual interactions just try to make sure they don't get handled too much and have too much poking or prodding done to them, constant bothering can cause additional stress which they are already trying to rid themselves of having just found a new home with you and your family :D

Good luck with the crabitat and please ask away if you have any other questions!

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Re: New Crab Owner! :) help me help my babies!

Post by Motherofcobras » Wed Oct 14, 2015 3:46 am

Thank you! I'm excited to check out all the information and forums and will definitely be seeking more advice :)

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Re: New Crab Owner! :) help me help my babies!

Post by soilentgringa » Wed Oct 14, 2015 7:12 am

Welcome to HCA.

Definitely have her read the care guides. Crabs are not hands on pets and should not be played with or removed from their tanks, especially multiple times a day. This stresses them out and they can drop limbs or even die.

They bury themselves in the substrate to destress or molt. This is very common with newly acquired crabs and buried crabs should not be dug up unless the tank has flooded or there is an emergency. They stay buried anywhere from a few weeks to several month depending on size.

Substrate should be at least 3X deeper than your largest crab.

Again, definitely have everyone read the care guides. Tap water contains chlorine/chloramines which blister the crab's gills. This injury could take weeks to be apparent and may or may not be repaired during the molting process.


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