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Cute new crab

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 12:33 pm
by Katastrawphique
I just wanted to post a few pictures of my newest crab. Meet Scrum:

In case you're wondering, Scrum (like the rest of my hermits) is named after the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.
I took pity on the little guy and bought him from a local pet store at the end of January. He was the only hermit crab left and the store wasn't going to order any more because they weren't popular. I don't know much about other species of hermit crab because Purple Pinchers are usually all you get around here so I didn't realize at first that he was an indo. Can anyone experienced with this species tell me if he will be happy living with my four PPs or should I try to find him a species buddy?


Re: Cute new crab

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 12:50 pm
by purpleperson
Oh my gosh, you have an indo! They are my favourite species I have always wanted them but have never been able to find them! (Also the Pirates of the Caribbean names are amazing)
There is a caresheet on them I think, I'll see if I can find it. I don't have any so I can't really give any personal experience..

However do you think you could tell me what petstore you got them from? I'm in Manitoba too and I've never even seen an E in this province. Maybe you could pm the name to me if you don't want to give out the name publicly??

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Re: Cute new crab

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 12:51 pm
by purpleperson
This is the caresheet if you haven't already seen it.
Species Care Sheet: Indonesian (Coenobita brevimanus) ... hp?t=92453

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Re: Cute new crab

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 5:21 pm
by landlubber
Congrats on the adorable Indo! The indos I had in the past didn't seem especially dependant on a species buddy like maybe straws or Es, they were kind of aloof, independent types. However, I'd be keeping a lookout for species buddies. Imagine you as a Canadian were dropped in a culture dramatically different from yours and now you have to navigate it, and those Italians (randomly chosen example) don't want to be super helpful. That's what it might be like for and Indo in land full of PPs. So, would the indo have a better quality of life with another indo? I think so-is the lack of a species buddy going to cause physical harm and death-unlikely IMHO. :)

Re: Cute new crab

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 8:26 pm
by Krusty Krab
Awwww he is adorable.

Re: Cute new crab

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 12:18 am
by Katastrawphique
So, would the indo have a better quality of life with another indo? I think so-is the lack of a species buddy going to cause physical harm and death-unlikely IMHO.
Thank you, I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for another one then. I'm going to start running out of room in my tank pretty soon lol. :o

Re: Cute new crab

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 12:19 am
by purpleperson
Katastrawphique wrote:
So, would the indo have a better quality of life with another indo? I think so-is the lack of a species buddy going to cause physical harm and death-unlikely IMHO.
Thank you, I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for another one then. I'm going to start running out of room in my tank pretty soon lol. :o
Maybe someone will order one in for you :p
Sorry but how many crabs do you have now?? (Can't rememberImage) you have a 40 gallon tank though, right??

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Re: Cute new crab

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 7:10 pm
by mool
Neato! What a great find.