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New to HCA and new "rescue"

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 7:55 pm
by StayLoki
Hi guys! name's Amanda!
I just joined, but have been using the site for months now for hermitcrab newbie faqs and info - I just wanna say thanks for all the help and you guys don't even know it ;) hehe
I got my hermits on a trip to lake george with my boss and her kid... . I know what you're thinking hold up- lmaooo first off I went to school for veterinary medicine and love animals of all shapes of sizes! I have a western hognose and have been wanting to use her alternate tanks and get a lizard or another snake for some time now... . when I saw the hermies, I thought, you already the have the tank, cf, extra decor, dishes etc, why not hermies!! I bought 2, turbo and dorito, since I know they don't like to be alone. In the months since I got them, my duo has became a trio with the addition of Pluto.
(and my fate has been sealed and I shall end up a little old lady with my cats and hermit crabs) :X but that's besides the point.

so today I took my dog to petco.
the small hermys were 5bucks. *sigh*
I decided to take a look.

They were all PPs and I was looking at a few when I saw this light/lavender one. so my first 'stupid' question new to the boards is: did I buy a hermy who has just molted? about to molt? maybe just really young (it is tiiiny)? sick? or who is just on the lighter side?


apon further inspection at home in iso, Ive noticed the cracked shell! i've never had a hermy with a cracked shell as I would never put one in to offer.. it looks to me like Pluto's abdomen can come out and i feel bad since i gave Pluto a SWbath and the shell a once over with a toothbrush to get petco crusties off it and im sure in hindsight Pluto was scared sh***ess, it cetainly explains to me why pluto has been extttrrremely shy, I think he/she feels extremely exposed and refuses to budge until all is calm.
but is this also cause for concern and could explain the light color?

well currently my newest and littlest, is in iso surrounded with new shell options, fresh food and water(s) and awaiting advice.

you guys are the best,

Re: New to HCA and new "rescue"

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 8:02 am
by aussieJJDude
Welcome to HCA! If you haven't already, I suggest checking out the care guides for a basic run down in understanding crab care.
Care Sheets, Guides, and Frequently Asked Questions (great link to bookmark as well!).

Some crabs are naturally lighter than others, especially crabs on the smaller side. IMO, he/she could be just because of that. But also, crabs don't have the best of care from their trip/ordeal from the beach to the store. Often they had little to eat - probably to stuff that's being offered has the same nutritional value as cardboard - so they can loose their natural vibrancy. Its common after the first (or second) moult under good care that the crabs become darker. So, probably in a month or so you should see a different crab.

As for the cracked shell, the crab is the one who decides if it wants to leave. Offering suitable alternatives - like turbo shells - is a great way in getting a shell swap. I've heard they if you dip them in salt water it can help get their interest in the "new shell options". Even rubbing a bit of olive oil around the lip of the shell (not the inside) meant to get them excited too. Hopefully it does move soon, cracked shells aren't the best. Certainly better than painted IMO.

Re: New to HCA and new "rescue"

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 12:48 pm
by StayLoki
after work today, took a peek.. no shell switch.. I'm bummed cuz that's always a fun surprise! and I wanna take that shell away once its picked another for a few days.. I bought some shells from seashellcity a few months ago.. .hope that's ok to mention, but I was really happy the variety and quality and my other 2 made the switch right away.. .this one's gonna make me wait it out iguess ;)

Re: New to HCA and new "rescue"

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 12:50 pm
by StayLoki
Imagephoto share

first photo tho, titled: 'I'm tiny and albino and I don't like you' lmaoooo. j/k

Re: New to HCA and new "rescue"

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 6:34 am
by StayLoki
so since I got Pluto, he got a sw dip and gentle scrub, and spent 4days in iso where I saw it move literally once!(in the sneaky photo I snapped tues night) lol I'd come home for work, or look in the morning and she/he would just be sitting tucked in with the 3new shells I was hoping it'd chose to switch.... but no digging, no molt mode, no mites, seemed healty (eating, drinking, as the soda caps I use as dishes in iso were disturbed so eating at night prob since I never saw during the day) I know this sounds silly, but it seemed lonely, it was tucked in a huddle with other hermies at petco before I snatched it up, and in iso always sitting amongest the shells but not 'switch inspecting' them..

so yesterday Pluto got a quick bath again and some dry off time in a hermie condo while I got lost in time and played around with decor for hours in my main tank, as I decided to just put him in with everyone else when I was done :X

for a while he hung out in the coconut with Dorito.. .
woke up this morning to find it switched!
out of allllll the shells to chose, it picked a spiral!
(spiral option was not in iso, just 3 nauticals Id picked, so Pluto has differnt taste clearly)

I don't like to take their old shell away right away (unless its painted) in case they want to go back.. . but I scared him and now he's trying to get away. .
BUT CANT MAKE THE CORNER! he he he *snicker snicker snicker*
my little guys are so funnyyyy.. . .!

Re: New to HCA and new "rescue"

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 6:20 am
by aussieJJDude
Glad that the switch went well, your crab looks really happy to be with the big boys/gals.