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New Crab, need encouragment

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 10:53 am
by JulesRolyCrab
Okay so. Two Ecuadorians. I only got them on Saturday, so this isn't like a long long time.

One is crazy, moving around, knocking over the hydrometer-thermometer, throwing shells around, etc. The other is in her little cave sleeping. Every. Minute. Of. The. Day.
And night. I'm holding out that she's being a weird crabby, but I don't think so. Her awful, awful painted snake shell is in the same position as always (snakes head facing up at a certain angle), and I can only see her shell. She moved yesterday morning when I was looking in the tank (I think my shadow made her go back into her shell). I haven't touched her or moved the hut or anything and nor will I, I just really want encouragment and like, hope. Because last time I was crabbing, both of my crabbies died, even though my conditions were apparently fine. (both during molts) :(

So. Could someone share a success story? About PPS/not moving crab for a couple of days, and about molting? It would lift my spirits a lot.....
Thank you.

Re: New Crab, need encouragment

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 4:23 am
by soilentgringa

I'm pretty sure you've been around here long enough to know that: Crabs are weird.

Since it's a new crab, it may still be adjusting. If it's not new and I misread your post forgive me, it's 4AM and I'm trying to catch up on HCA stuff after attempting to (unsuccessfully) take a break from the internet and all social media.

I've had my E's for a year in November. They came from a local Petco and were a gift. My friend originally purchased two for herself because we were in Petco and we ALWAYS look at the crabs and I started yelling "They have E's!!!" (we never see exotics around here)

Anyway she bought 2 and one never came up from molting. They went into a community tank with PP's, a 40 gallon with plenty of sub and good conditions.

Later when she moved in with me she bought me two E's and we put all 3 of the E's in my 55 with other PP's and the same deep sub and good conditions. They are all having a great time, digging around, no signs of aggression or shell battles (they had cracked nerites on! they were almost falling to bits when we got them. We scored some modified shells from Wodesorel's last destash and they have been just fine since.

So anyway, I love my E's, they're hilarious and cute and very active. I'm sure yours will be okay too, jut give it some time to destress and find another shell.

I've had crabs sit in the same spot for DAYS and be okay.

Re: New Crab, need encouragment

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 10:00 am
by JulesRolyCrab
Wow, thanks, you really don't know how much that helps! Yes, [s]he is new. They've changed positions a tiny bit but hasn't moved, but now I'm much more hopeful!
That was pretty much my reaction at the Es near me! I had never seen anything other than PPs till then, it was crazy!
Thanks again.