Please post here if you are a new crab owner and someone will be along shortly to welcome you to the HCA! This is also the place to welcome new crabbies to your clan!
I just got Raphael last night, and I have a few questions.
My hermit crab starter kit came with food and water "shells" and nearly no water can fit in there. Has anyone ever had experience with these kind of "bowls?" My dad and I saw no actual bowls or dishes, so we have no idea what to do.
Unfortunately most of the stuff that comes with the starter kits is useless. Most of us on here use Tupperware bowls as water dishes. The water has to be deep enough for the crabs to be able to fully submerge.
Most reptile bowls will be too shallow unless it is the really big sizes for large tanks. Plastic containers are the easiest to use and to keep clean. Just make sure there is a way for the crabs to climb back out safely, like a plastic plant or needlepoint canvas. Crabs will drown if they get stuck!
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Pretty well actually, I have replaced his water bowl and I haven't seen him use it but I guess I'll never know as he is always active when I am asleep!