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Crabs Bonding
Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 2:46 am
by addiepickle
I just received some new hermies and was very curious to see how they interacted with each other! My smallest would go up to my biggest when he was sleeping and tap on his shell. My guess is that the little crab was wanting to play. Has anyone had this happen before? It’s so interesting to see them push each other around and have little crabbie play dates, at least that’s what I think those are!
Re: Crabs Bonding
Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 7:04 am
by 22pony22
addiepickle wrote:I just received some new hermies and was very curious to see how they interacted with each other! My smallest would go up to my biggest when he was sleeping and tap on his shell. My guess is that the little crab was wanting to play. Has anyone had this happen before? It’s so interesting to see them push each other around and have little crabbie play dates, at least that’s what I think those are!
I haven’t had that happen. Sounds really cute. I’m hoping that these two get along. I bought 2 in March and I’ve got one left from that group so I got another one. The one I had since March was hiding under the substrate when I put the new one in. He re appeared AFTER the new one buried into the substrate new crab still down and has been down since May 29. The other one that I had since March just dig down again.
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