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Lovestruck by my little Hermies

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 3:55 pm
by ZombieLuvMF
Hi All

I'm a fairly new owner with 5 PP's. It started in a Florida beach shop when my hubby and I decided to get away for a week on the beach November 2020. We hit up St. John's Pass tourist shop's and I came across a display of Hermit Crabs. Being somewhat older, I do have experiance with keeping pets and funds are not as much of an issue, so I thought what could it hurt. So, like many, I bought 5 of them, smallest that I found that were active. Wasn't until I got back to our beach place and started doing research on them, how bad the trade was.

We got them home and I quickly set up a 10 gallon tank for them, got through the PPD method and now I am setting up a 29g for them. I just adore them, probably my favorite pets. I love researching more and more about them.

Re: Lovestruck by my little Hermies

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 6:23 pm
by crabbycasey
They are cool creatures for sure! Welcome to the HCA, lots of good info and good people here! You’ll have to post pics when you’re all seeing all the crabs and people’s tanks, lol!

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