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Hi! New to Crabs & this assoc & looking for 2 more

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2022 4:08 pm
by SylSteve1
Hi! I'm new to hermit crabs and this association forum. We've had 2 Purple Pinchers we think) now for about a month and have recently moved them to a 40 gallon, following proper requirements the association says they need. Now, we'd like to continue to learn and improve their care and get 2 more to go with them. I'd love 2 Ruggies or just 2 more Purple Pinchers. (Located in Johnson City, TN if anyone has any for adoption). 😊

Re: Hi! New to Crabs & this assoc & looking for 2 more

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2022 6:00 pm
by Hermiecrab
Heey! You should try posting in the adoption forum, they have a section there you can use.

I agree Ruggies are SO CUTE!! Good luck with your search!