Is my hermit blind

Where we discuss the behavior of our hermit crabs, as in fights, pecking orders, shell swaps, etc. Please post all naked-crab posts in the Emergency forum.
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Is my hermit blind

Post by Madi.crab » Wed Nov 15, 2017 5:54 am

My hermit crab luna has only one normal eye because the other is cloudy. Before her eye used to be like that she noticed when I would walk into the room so would hide In her shell. Now she doesn't even respond. I picked her up before and she seemed to want to cling to my finger. She want trying to pinch me or anything she just wanted something to grab onto. I have a feeling that my bigger crab might have injured her eye, making her blind.
She still gets around and climbs anything so not much else has changed. She also mucks around with the other crabs so that must be a good sign too.
Can anyone tell me if she might be blind or not?

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Re: Is my hermit blind

Post by Happyhermiehome » Wed Nov 15, 2017 9:39 am

She might be getting ready to molt. I read on here somewhere that the eyes can become cloudy pre-molt. If it is in fact an injury it will more then likely be repaired with her next molt. I have a lil dude that only had one eye when I got him. It grew back after his first molt with me and he came up with a teeny tiny but fully formed new eye. Next molt it was a bit bigger and now it nearly normal size though still slightly smaller than his other and I'm pretty sure he sees fine. I wouldn't worry about it to much just feed her well and make sure your conditions a good so she can have a good molt :)
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Re: Is my hermit blind

Post by Madi.crab » Wed Nov 15, 2017 3:05 pm

Happyhermiehome wrote:She might be getting ready to molt. I read on here somewhere that the eyes can become cloudy pre-molt. If it is in fact an injury it will more then likely be repaired with her next molt. I have a lil dude that only had one eye when I got him. It grew back after his first molt with me and he came up with a teeny tiny but fully formed new eye. Next molt it was a bit bigger and now it nearly normal size though still slightly smaller than his other and I'm pretty sure he sees fine. I wouldn't worry about it to much just feed her well and make sure your conditions a good so she can have a good molt :)
Thank you so much. I was t sure whether her eye was just cloudy because of moulting or that my other ones injured her. I will take your advice and just leave her be and feed her heaps. Thank you again

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Re: Is my hermit blind

Post by Liv.da.crab.lover » Fri Mar 03, 2023 10:13 am

I have 3 hermits, I have one that loves climbing on my fingers, it took him a while to get comfortable enough with me about a week, my other 2 are super shy. Honestly I wouldn't worry about it if she's being comfortable with the others, she just gotten comfortable with you. If something is wrong she'd hid in her shell for protection

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