Shy E's?

Where we discuss the behavior of our hermit crabs, as in fights, pecking orders, shell swaps, etc. Please post all naked-crab posts in the Emergency forum.
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Shy E's?

Post by kmknits » Wed Jul 11, 2012 9:26 am

Does anyone else have E's that don't spend much time above ground? The 3 that I got in February have each molted at least once (2 of them have twice now), have all done a shell change & seem healthy...but I just don't see very much of the 2 medium sized ones. Could they still be settling in, or is that just the way they are? Temps are steady around 81 during the day with humidity between 80-85. Anything else I can do to encourage them to stay above ground more?
Crab Lover since October 2011
8 PPs: Motley, Grayson, Izzie, Jayda, Pippin, Teddy, Tucker & Sparky
3 Es: Midge, Russet & Slater
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Re: Shy E's?

Post by kuza » Wed Jul 11, 2012 10:37 am

what is your substrate?

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Re: Shy E's?

Post by kmknits » Wed Jul 11, 2012 10:52 am

I have 6-7" of damp play sand mixed with EE in the 5:1 ratio and lots of cholla, cork and branches for them to climb on above ground too.
Crab Lover since October 2011
8 PPs: Motley, Grayson, Izzie, Jayda, Pippin, Teddy, Tucker & Sparky
3 Es: Midge, Russet & Slater
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Re: Shy E's?

Post by kuza » Wed Jul 11, 2012 11:02 am

Hmm odd, my E's like to stay above ground unless they are molting or preparing to molt. Did you just move them or the tank and they are De-stressing again?

I know my larger PP dug down 3 days after moving into the new tank and I haven't seen him in weeks. So did my straws. So I have my 3 E's on the surface and that's it.

I think as long as you have lots of hiding spots, like moss pits in the top corners with plants and vines around, they will use that a lot. Mine all sleep in the mosh pits during the day or they dig little pot holes around the tank having fun in the sand.

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Re: Shy E's?

Post by kmknits » Wed Jul 11, 2012 11:20 am

they do spend some time sleeping in the cork trunk and the 2nd level moss pit, but I only catch a glimpse of them every few days. They were moved around a bit when I had an issue with flooded substrate back in May...maybe they are still destressing from that? Guess I just expected to see more of them...even at night, when lights in their tank go out at 7:30 they are still rarely out at 11pm when I head to bed.
Crab Lover since October 2011
8 PPs: Motley, Grayson, Izzie, Jayda, Pippin, Teddy, Tucker & Sparky
3 Es: Midge, Russet & Slater
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Re: Shy E's?

Post by kuza » Wed Jul 11, 2012 1:02 pm

do you have a red light for the evening? Mine seem to love it.

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Re: Shy E's?

Post by kmknits » Wed Jul 11, 2012 1:39 pm

yup, I do! Guess they are just quirky -lol :o)
Crab Lover since October 2011
8 PPs: Motley, Grayson, Izzie, Jayda, Pippin, Teddy, Tucker & Sparky
3 Es: Midge, Russet & Slater
Other Rescued Pets: 2 cats, 2 dogs, 2 gerbils, 2 african dwarf frogs, 4 betta fish and a tropical aquarium with platys, guppies, danios & corycats
