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Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 9:17 pm
by Guest
It doesn't take long at all. Some of them already liked me the 1st day I got them home. :D

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 9:58 pm
by Knibitz
Mine range...
Seiya and me got along immediately.
Eli, on the other hand, I've had for a year and still won't come out of his shell if I have my hand in the tank.

I put 1 month, since that is about average for me.

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 8:02 am
by Guest
For me, so far buford is the only crabbie that likes me. Sometimes he doesn't even go in his shell when i pick him up 'cause he knows that i'm just checking up on him.
But, my 2 females Clara and Deserae, they are so frightened of me, it saddens me. Hopefuly, if i keep them healthy and stuff, they will start to like me.
And bob, oh bob. There was this accident one time when i was going to check up on him, i sorta slammed him on the side of the tank by accident, but it wasn't hard at all, but bob seemed ticked off, and i think he still might be.

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 1:13 pm
by Guest
I have had crabbies on and off for many years. This time around is my most serious time. I am not for handling them unless necessary (or for picture taking purposes). I don't expect them to be "friendly" with me. All of mine run for the hills any time I even flinch!! Most will come out of shells, their not shy in that respect. But they run for their lives, sideways, backwards, falling in holes, running over each other, crashing in to things...all just to run like heck from me. Oh well, atleast I can admire them from a distance, I just can't move in the process. If I do startle them, they're usually pretty quick about coming right back long as I'm not moving :-p

That's my input.

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 9:45 pm
by Guest
Our crabs seem to vary, but the 4 crabs that we have had for 16 months now are more comfortable with my hand in the tank when I change the water bowls and put fresh food in. They seem to know that something good is going to happen when my hand is near. The newest crabs that we have had for only 4 months have been friendly from the beginning and come out when I pick them up and also when I am doing housekeeping in their tank. I think each crab has it's own personality and timeline for interacting.

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 2:53 pm
by Guest
for me its a mixed feeling, my bigger pp mario is still not all that comfortable with my being there, but my smaller pp yoshi is comfortable with moving around when im around though.

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 4:40 pm
by Guest
It varies:
Pepper is shy, but she comes out eventually but still is a big scardy crab
Olive is shy for the first second or two that you re holding her
Lare is very outgoing, but goes to pinch rather often

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 8:24 am
by burnin4Christ
i can't vote cause mine r soo different. sunset my first will come out 2 say hi but if yur hand is in the tat next 2 her she will duck in2 her shell. army is the 2nd 1 i got and he is very shy. he is better about me walking arouund the tat in my room but if u put ur hand in he's like aaaaaaah must hide!!!!!!!. clefspere is the newest! he is still hides if ur walking by the tat but eventually comes out.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 3:23 pm
by Guest
Well I have only owned crab since around the beginning of December. Giggles, Speedy, Blanket, and Norm were my first. Giggles is really combortable with me. Speedy goes nut's if I don't pay attention to him. His favorite thing to do is pat my nose with his attenias or sit on my belly. Blanket only comes out if he know's I am their to protect him. Norm sometimes isn't scared and sometimes is. He is kind of a loner though. The ones I got in the last month are a mixture though. Some roll up and hide. Some I never see. And some I see pretty often they just keep a close eye on me to make sure I am not going to hurt them. I think most of my new ones are molting and destressing though. When I see a newbie out I try to handle them just a little bit to let them know their is nothing to fear, but I alway's wait a few more day's before I handle them again. Usually the only place I ever see the newbies at is in the food bowl or really close to the hermie hut. I know were most of them are all the time though. Like everyone's saying every crab is diffrent. I have 12 crab's know and not a one of them is the same.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 7:21 pm
by Ryanstein
Well... I only buy actve crabs in the store, so they all come out on my hand... excpecially my E, Buddy. Knew right from when I got him he was gonna be a cute little bugger! :D Two molts later, he still is! :D

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 4:38 am
by Guest
I am very pleased to say that all my crabbies love me. Well, maybe except for Tiny. She's my jumbo pp and she has an attitude. She's the only one who has ever pinched me and she's gotten me twice. My crabbies seem to enjoy being handled. Especially Zoidi, She'll swipe her antennae against my hands as I work in the tank and she hardly ever retreats into her shell. As wierd as this sounds Cherry, my larger of the two straws likes to get kisses. If I gently blow on her she'll extend as far out as she can until she touches my mouth. Yeah, surprised me the first time she did that. LOL... My crabbies love climbing around my desk (for brief periods of time after I mist their gills of course) and they seem to think crawling upside down on my arm is pretty fun too. So, I guess they all like me, maybe even Tiny...

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 12:39 pm
by Guest
Sorry-I havn't been online for awhile...I guess I made this poll too cut and dry.

To be honest, after five months of owning these suckers, only one is slightly afraid of me still-he darts when I get near the tank, and I only see him active when I stay up late. However, the other three are comfortable with me, and don't mind when I do work around the tank...heck (even though I have remained mostly hands off...mostly :D), those three come out immediately when I do pick them up. Two of those three have even taken food out of my hand!

Still, the only reason I have remained mostly hands off is that I'm afraid they'll pinch me :lol:.