shanedaman112 wrote:So that's how they get on the hydrometer...
After about an hour of just standing on top of the hydrometer, it fell down. But he wouldn't let go for dear life! look at this, he's just holding on to it like "Oh crap he's trying to take my precious hydrometer"
Also, I installed a saltwater beach a couple days ago
Hermy seems to like it
He must really like it, he's been there for about 3 or 4 hours now
This is hilarious! I have yet to see any of my crabs climb to get to the gauge but maybe in time they will btw Shane love the pool! It looks awesome. And crabinski, your little Felix is becoming one of my favorite crabs to read about! Always causing so much trouble haha. Sounds like he's a blast to watch.Crabinski wrote: I used to have one of those stick-on-the-tank-wall analog thermometer/hygrometers and all of the crabs over the years loooooved making their way onto it, hanging for hours . How they got there was a mystery as it was on the long wall with nothing nearby to climb up on. I'd often catch one of them hanging on, several legs frantically waving, with that "oh, crap" look: "How did I get up here and how am I going to get down?" -- the usual option was, "Oh, I know! Let go and fall onto the substrate!" With the Acurite digital on its A-frame base, they now either knock it onto its face (it sits in front of the climbing net) or partially bury it. Felix (of course, it's always Felix) often goes up to it and taps on the hyrometer's face as though he's asking if the reading's correct .
Man ryry, you are hotspot for adoptions! Maybe I need just need to move to CT to get in on this action... Then again I love sweet tea! Maybe I'll just wait till the action comes my way someday... Good luck finding the pps a home!Ryry wrote:Any one here In the CT area? Like have 2 PPs I'm trying to help find a home- I know this isn't the adoption board but we talk about adoptions a lot! Just throwing it out there because I really don't have the room.
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