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Submerging in water: do they or don't they?

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 6:54 pm
by crabitatitude
so I have been trying to make an awesome waterfall/ fresh water pool for my crabs. My worry is that they dont seem to like to submerge in the water beyond their claws. My question is do yours like to submerge? how did you introduce them to the dishes? Did they always like it?

I just dont want to put a ton of work into a feature they wont use.

Submerging in water: do they or don't they?

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 7:36 pm
I think it depends on the individual crab, but i have seen each of my 5 submerge in my smaller pools. They just crawl down and walk around, or sit for a bit. They wont go in or come out if they know i'm watching, so i dont get to see them much.

Crabbers unite!!

ETA: but i KNOW they go in to clean themselves. My PPs seem to be more neat and tidy, going for a dip to come out clean. The Es just seem to like to explore everything. Pools, moss pits, tank lids, etc..

Submerging in water: do they or don't they?

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 1:52 am
Ok, so earlier (about 4 hours ago) i was preparing to go upstairs and noticed a crab sitting near the filter to my SW pool, very still. When i went upstairs i saw my chubby PP sitting at the bottom of the SW pool. I had just installed bubblers into my cycled pools.
Now, 4 hrs later, he is still in there!!! I came to check on him to make sure he didnt drown, and he's just chilling at the bottom, sitting there. I want to take him out but he has easy access to the way up.
I conclude that he is enjoying himself Image

Crabbers unite!!!

Submerging in water: do they or don't they?

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 4:46 am
He was out! Not sure when/how, but he did it! Now i am going to assume all my crabs submerge in the new pools!

Crabbers unite!!!

ETA: i think the crabs can smell out the water, but none if my crabs appeared to submerge like this until i put the bubbler in. I think the vibrations from the bubbles lure them in the direction of the water. They will naturally be drawn to it

Submerging in water: do they or don't they?

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 1:14 pm
by Ryry
Who doesn't like a jacuzzi !!!

Also my crabs tend to take quick dips. I might catch them on their way out but they like to swim in privet. I can't blame them. I wouldn't want some one to watch me take a bath....

Re: Submerging in water: do they or don't they?

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 1:49 pm
Ryry wrote:Who doesn't like a jacuzzi !!!

Also my crabs tend to take quick dips. I might catch them on their way out but they like to swim in privet. I can't blame them. I wouldn't want some one to watch me take a bath....
LOL! Image

Crabbers unite!!!

Re: Submerging in water: do they or don't they?

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 10:40 pm
by kadynadair16
My crab Sebastian is the only one I have seen in the pools I think he really likes it!Image. He can't submerge because mine aren't deep enough for him because he is my biggest crab but he loves the pools!

Re: Submerging in water: do they or don't they?

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 8:29 am
There will be more submerging! For now i think you should work on making the pool deep enough for Sebastian. Some crabs like to be tidy, or clean themselves because substrate can get in and irritate their bums (like a wedgie). They crawl around in the water and hold onto stuff and climb around to move water and bubbles in and out of their shells for cleaning. Don't make Sebastian miss out!

Crabbers unite!!!

Re: Submerging in water: do they or don't they?

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 12:10 pm
by singlemomwithcrab
kadynadair16 wrote:My crab Sebastian is the only one I have seen in the pools I think he really likes it!. He can't submerge because mine aren't deep enough for him because he is my biggest crab but he loves the pools!
Do you have a double layered pool? One tupperware inside another separated by rocks or something? this will help with removing them for cleaning without disturbing the sub. Then you just need a ramp / ladder for in and out.

Re: Submerging in water: do they or don't they?

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 12:35 pm
by kadynadair16
No I don't. I'm thinking about it though.