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Shell shopping

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 8:09 am
by courtbri
Just wanted to share a picture of a few of my crustacean kids checking out the shell shop. They are so funny to watch. Harry is notorious for switching shells constantly and will try to keep several of his favorite shells near him so no one else can take them. I almost lost Harry several months ago after an unsuccessful moss pit molt. I hand fed him for over a month until his strength was up. Seeing him back to his old antics just does my heart good. Image

Crabbing for 2 years-still obsessed! 6 total crustacean kids. Gave up trying to tell them apart but I love them all.

Re: Shell shopping

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 8:10 am
by courtbri
Let me add this is a second level which is higher up I had the lid off temporarily to take the pic. They have 3 levels including the substrate. Just wanted to clarify that. Lol

Crabbing for 2 years-still obsessed! 6 total crustacean kids. Gave up trying to tell them apart but I love them all.

Re: Shell shopping

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 10:32 am
I love your "sky shop" and was inspired by you!!

Crabbers unite!!!

Re: Shell shopping

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 11:14 am
by singlemomwithcrab
I may have missed it in another post but I would love to see your whole tat. :D

Re: Shell shopping

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 4:11 pm
by kate.e.m.
that's such a cool idea!
my three guys have all recently molted and while jebediah and nebuchadnezzer both upgraded to new shells, my littlest guy, clem, hasn't. he has tried a few on for size but as soon as another crab gets close to his old shell, he races over and puts it back on. i don't want him to be cramped in a shell that's too small but he doesn't seem to like the other ones. he is pretty darn tiny...any suggestions on shops with small small shells? or is this typical shell shopping behavior?


Re: Shell shopping

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 2:39 pm
by kate.e.m.

clem is shell shopping here...BUT last night she made the move into a bigger (unpainted shell, FINALLY!). this morning i found her climbing the side of the tank :crabbigsmile:

Re: Shell shopping

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 12:03 pm
by thermidor
For my crabs I sometimes see them take interest in a shell over and over but not move in. I think they may be working to modify it when we see them with their faces and pinchers down in there. Next day, they will do a little more. I have no idea how long this takes but as it is exacting work (one little pinch of shell at a time) it could be a very long process. That is why all of a sudden "poof" one day they make the move. I am betting they have tried it on many times and found that it still needed tweaking. Of course this is the e's, the PP's just clumsily stuff their big butts into whatever is around :lol: