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How does sand get there?

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 7:18 pm
by singlemomwithcrab
So - I clean the front inside of my tank so I can see....
I come back in the morning and the entire panel, all tanks, no matter if it is 8" of glass or 12" of glass is has sand all the way up it........ :evil:

I want to hear your theory on how does sand get there.......

And GO!

Re: How does sand get there?

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 8:24 pm
by Crabbzymagnus
That happens to me too,I usually see my crabs climb up on each other on top of a climbing branch(up to 3 only)if the sand is wet,it will stick to the crabs and when the crabs try to climb on the walls,the sand sticks to it,this is just my theory....

Re: How does sand get there?

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 5:21 pm
by Form
If your tank is like mine, there is a little ledge around the inside of the top rim. One of my crabs will occasionally find her way up to the ledge and climb back and forth or do a loop around the tank.

Also, usually when rays of sunshine hit it, the tank will get some condensation on the inside of the glass.

When those two things combine... ! Maybe.