Problem fixed please delete or close.
Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 12:09 am
Up until today I had no problems in my tank in several months and in two days flat it's seemed to go south. So I want to go back to January when this was my crab group in their size order.
Paul (A strawberry), Clyde (ruggie), Boss (red-blue), Bonnie (Ruggie),Stell (red-blue), Al (red-blue), Casper (ruggie)
So here is a small back history, Paul was the biggest in my tank between a medium to large crab (I've had one that was like twice as big, so this is base on my experience) he was a gentle guy though. He kept Boss in check since the day I got him just by antenna waving and I had no problem when I added my pair of medium ruggies. Unfortunately Paul passed away in February of this year after I had had him for a year, it looked like he was going to molt but didn't make it. This is when Boss started picking on Bonnie.
At first Boss just seemed to bully her, I never saw him attack her which now that I read some other things he seemed to just have bullied her out of her shell. I found her naked in the tank up on the log with him holding her shell in his front legs. I shoved Boss away and Bonnie darted down the log and into a new shell, thinking maybe she was just changing and he scared her I left them be but later the same night I caught him bullying her again and took him out and stuffed (in the nicest way as I was upset) him into his own personal 5.5 gallon we had with sand from before having fiddler crabs. He has been in his isolation tank since then, it didn't occur to me to try to put him back as Bonnie was still in my main tank.
~Fast Forward to two days ago~
I took out Bonnie and Casper, found Al behind the coconut mat, then gently went looking threw the sand for Clyde and Stell because I wanted to sift the sand to get out the poop. As Bonnie, Casper, and Al scurried around their carry cage with a hide log I found Clyde. He seemed well dead, but in a pose that he could just be stiff and ready to molt. I felt bad diging him up but I swore when I dug him up I smelled something faintly...but since I've had crabs hide and molt in the sand then pop up a few weeks later so I always try to leave them be the longest I can, Stell was buried near him but moving. Rinsed the sand off of her and put her with the other 3 happy ones. Long story short I rinse the dishes refilled the salt soak dish, water, food, rearranged the 3 hides and climbing log then put the 5 guys (4 technically) back in the tank and everyone (cept Clyde as I put him under a log) crawled to their own little spots. Refilled the water the following morning and notice Stell digging a hole near the water dish where the sand was damp. I shrugged because that was normal. Then it happened when I got home from the craft store.
I walked in and dropped the few things I got on my bed and picked up the phone to call the neighbor to make sure she was home as I was cat sitting for her when I looked in my tank I started almost shaking from the shock while still talking to her. Bonnie was sitting on Stell eating her, as Al was poking at the shell Stell had been. I just barely managed to hang up the phone and call for my dad before I fell to the ground crying. I have owned at least 1 hermit crab at any given point since 2004 and I have never had 1 of them eat the other. Right before I collapsed crying (I've felt stressed for several days and these are my buds I've had over a year so it kinda trigger a mini breakdown) I pulled Bonnie off Stell, and Stell's dead body shifted since I removed Bonnie, but the shock made me think Stell twitched and was still alive. Luckily when my dad got in there and picked up Stell he said there was no way she could have been, while he was there he poked Clyde (who I thought was dead yesterday but wanted to check) who was in fact dead. I lost 2 crabs in under two days and the one I felt was murdered. I set Bonnie in the tank for a second and she rushed at Al so fast pounced on him he half flipped over when she did, I snatched her back out and put her in their little cleaning cage falling back to the floor to cry more.
I gave both Al and Casper baths, as Casper was innocent to any crime in this matter, he had been behind the coconut mat sleeping. Let them antenna wave just because I was worried about putting them back in together. I know Al was just looking at the shell but it felt like he had a hand in the demise of Stell, even though the shell would have been way too big as his own is big on him anyway.
What I'm wondering if since Clyde was the biggest crab in the tank and the ruggie I got with Bonnie if his death could have upset her? At the moment Bonnie is in a wire crabitat carry cage within in actual tank but can't get out. I don't have any other tanks to put her in as Boss is in the spare. After seeing her eating my other crab I don't know if I should keep her, as the image is kinda gruesome to me. I already asked a few friends if they may want her...
I know this is a long passage but the only other thing that has changed is I recently got a reptile light with a normal incandescent bulb from the pet store, I turn it down to almost off at night and on higher during the day, it could have gotten to hot maybe? But she attacked a crab smaller then her so the thinner shell thing I read about wouldn't apply...I'm not sure what to do, after her last molt she became this pretty peach color with the bright orange antenna.
I guess my main question is this, since Boss bullied her but was okay with the others if I reintroduce them after his isolation do you think they would be fine and I could put her in his 5.5gal? Or should I look for a new home for her as a solo crab.
Paul (A strawberry), Clyde (ruggie), Boss (red-blue), Bonnie (Ruggie),Stell (red-blue), Al (red-blue), Casper (ruggie)
So here is a small back history, Paul was the biggest in my tank between a medium to large crab (I've had one that was like twice as big, so this is base on my experience) he was a gentle guy though. He kept Boss in check since the day I got him just by antenna waving and I had no problem when I added my pair of medium ruggies. Unfortunately Paul passed away in February of this year after I had had him for a year, it looked like he was going to molt but didn't make it. This is when Boss started picking on Bonnie.
At first Boss just seemed to bully her, I never saw him attack her which now that I read some other things he seemed to just have bullied her out of her shell. I found her naked in the tank up on the log with him holding her shell in his front legs. I shoved Boss away and Bonnie darted down the log and into a new shell, thinking maybe she was just changing and he scared her I left them be but later the same night I caught him bullying her again and took him out and stuffed (in the nicest way as I was upset) him into his own personal 5.5 gallon we had with sand from before having fiddler crabs. He has been in his isolation tank since then, it didn't occur to me to try to put him back as Bonnie was still in my main tank.
~Fast Forward to two days ago~
I took out Bonnie and Casper, found Al behind the coconut mat, then gently went looking threw the sand for Clyde and Stell because I wanted to sift the sand to get out the poop. As Bonnie, Casper, and Al scurried around their carry cage with a hide log I found Clyde. He seemed well dead, but in a pose that he could just be stiff and ready to molt. I felt bad diging him up but I swore when I dug him up I smelled something faintly...but since I've had crabs hide and molt in the sand then pop up a few weeks later so I always try to leave them be the longest I can, Stell was buried near him but moving. Rinsed the sand off of her and put her with the other 3 happy ones. Long story short I rinse the dishes refilled the salt soak dish, water, food, rearranged the 3 hides and climbing log then put the 5 guys (4 technically) back in the tank and everyone (cept Clyde as I put him under a log) crawled to their own little spots. Refilled the water the following morning and notice Stell digging a hole near the water dish where the sand was damp. I shrugged because that was normal. Then it happened when I got home from the craft store.
I walked in and dropped the few things I got on my bed and picked up the phone to call the neighbor to make sure she was home as I was cat sitting for her when I looked in my tank I started almost shaking from the shock while still talking to her. Bonnie was sitting on Stell eating her, as Al was poking at the shell Stell had been. I just barely managed to hang up the phone and call for my dad before I fell to the ground crying. I have owned at least 1 hermit crab at any given point since 2004 and I have never had 1 of them eat the other. Right before I collapsed crying (I've felt stressed for several days and these are my buds I've had over a year so it kinda trigger a mini breakdown) I pulled Bonnie off Stell, and Stell's dead body shifted since I removed Bonnie, but the shock made me think Stell twitched and was still alive. Luckily when my dad got in there and picked up Stell he said there was no way she could have been, while he was there he poked Clyde (who I thought was dead yesterday but wanted to check) who was in fact dead. I lost 2 crabs in under two days and the one I felt was murdered. I set Bonnie in the tank for a second and she rushed at Al so fast pounced on him he half flipped over when she did, I snatched her back out and put her in their little cleaning cage falling back to the floor to cry more.
I gave both Al and Casper baths, as Casper was innocent to any crime in this matter, he had been behind the coconut mat sleeping. Let them antenna wave just because I was worried about putting them back in together. I know Al was just looking at the shell but it felt like he had a hand in the demise of Stell, even though the shell would have been way too big as his own is big on him anyway.
What I'm wondering if since Clyde was the biggest crab in the tank and the ruggie I got with Bonnie if his death could have upset her? At the moment Bonnie is in a wire crabitat carry cage within in actual tank but can't get out. I don't have any other tanks to put her in as Boss is in the spare. After seeing her eating my other crab I don't know if I should keep her, as the image is kinda gruesome to me. I already asked a few friends if they may want her...
I know this is a long passage but the only other thing that has changed is I recently got a reptile light with a normal incandescent bulb from the pet store, I turn it down to almost off at night and on higher during the day, it could have gotten to hot maybe? But she attacked a crab smaller then her so the thinner shell thing I read about wouldn't apply...I'm not sure what to do, after her last molt she became this pretty peach color with the bright orange antenna.
I guess my main question is this, since Boss bullied her but was okay with the others if I reintroduce them after his isolation do you think they would be fine and I could put her in his 5.5gal? Or should I look for a new home for her as a solo crab.