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Not drinking? Would like advice

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 7:38 am
by Mr. Crabs
Hello! Ever sense the 19th of October he molted ( he finished) and he hasn't been drinking. He just stays under his shelter and comes out once and a while. But after I'm finish misting the tank (with fresh water) he starts eating the dirt/ sand. Is this ok or is it something else?

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Re: Not drinking? Would like advice

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 7:39 am
by Mr. Crabs
Also, he hasn't changed shell in 2 molts

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Re: Not drinking? Would like advice

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 7:52 am
by CallaLily
He's probably out more and drinking late at night. They're mostly nocturnal. Are temps and humidity ok? Does he have easy ways in and out of the water dishes?

As for eating the sand, he's probably just collecting water that way or finding bits of food or whatever to eat. Completely normal.

He'll change shells when he needs to or finds one he likes better. All you can do is provide him with a good variety of clean shells. Check out the Preferred Shell Guide.

Re: Not drinking? Would like advice

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 9:40 pm
by Mr. Crabs
CallaLily wrote:He's probably out more and drinking late at night. They're mostly nocturnal. Are temps and humidity ok? Does he have easy ways in and out of the water dishes?

As for eating the sand, he's probably just collecting water that way or finding bits of food or whatever to eat. Completely normal.

He'll change shells when he needs to or finds one he likes better. All you can do is provide him with a good variety of clean shells. Check out the Preferred Shell Guide.
Humid gauge works fine. My temp one though just broke tuesday. Going to get a new one. Yes, he can get out of water bowls just fine. Thanks for telling me these things! :)

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Re: Not drinking? Would like advice

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 2:51 am
by Laurie LeAnn
If you have sand mix smooth it before you bed then in.the morning you will see if he had been to the water bowl. Check the tank all over to for bugs.. Mine won't budge from the caddy or where ever if there is a Japanese beetle or spider in there tank. Purple pitchers love turbo shells! They will only change when.they want to.. crabby paddy was hanging from his shell before he changed. Now they shop but always go back to their original shells..

Re: Not drinking? Would like advice

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 4:55 pm
by Mr. Crabs
CallaLily wrote:He's probably out more and drinking late at night. They're mostly nocturnal. Are temps and humidity ok? Does he have easy ways in and out of the water dishes?

As for eating the sand, he's probably just collecting water that way or finding bits of food or whatever to eat. Completely normal.

He'll change shells when he needs to or finds one he likes better. All you can do is provide him with a good variety of clean shells. Check out the Preferred Shell Guide.
Good news! Today I went a boiled my dirt ( cause I just saw little bugs) and when I put the dirt in it was 3 times thicker a filled 6 inches! He is extremely happy and is moving around. I looked at the shell guide and he is wearing a shell that PPs wouldn't like. Its not painted he came in it when he came home. Its weird!!! Would a pp wear different types of shells that he wouldn't like or expected to like I dunno here's a pictureImage

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Re: Not drinking? Would like advice

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 6:44 pm
by CallaLily
Some PPs will wear murex, though I find once you have a nice selection of tapestry turbos or striped turbos they tend to stick with those. You do get some oddballs that prefer others though.

Re: Not drinking? Would like advice

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 6:45 pm
by me n my hermikids
Actually my purple pinchers seem to really like these types of shells I offer all different types of shells but almost half of mine are in these kind right now

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Re: Not drinking? Would like advice

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 8:27 pm
by CallaLily
Yep, like I said, some PPs will wear murex. ;) It's just my experience that once they start switching into turbo shells, especially tapestry or striped, they rarely look back to other types.

Re: Not drinking? Would like advice

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 3:29 pm
by Mr. Crabs
CallaLily wrote:Yep, like I said, some PPs will wear murex. ;) It's just my experience that once they start switching into turbo shells, especially tapestry or striped, they rarely look back to other types.
Thanks for the advice! :)

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Re: Not drinking? Would like advice

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 11:32 pm
by Laurie LeAnn
I tried other shells cause the large turbo is are getting harder to find they look, flip, and say ha! I'm not moving into that! I have lots of jumbo size but not large. He's not yet big enough for jumbo but getting to big for a large