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Chirping to help others??
Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 9:36 pm
by Nch0202
So, I could hear crazy loud chirping from the aquarium. When I went to see what was going on my bully crab had dug up my crab that was just resurfacing after molting and was attacking him

Thankfully the molter had went into a much too big shell for him before going down so the bully doesn't seem to have done too much damage. There are marks on the molters big pincher but that is all I can see at this point. I have the molter in isolation now so hopefully he does ok. He hasn't come out of his shell yet. that normal?? The chirper stopped chirping as soon as I moved the bully was almost as if was yelling at him. It was amazing! And it worked, because I likely would not have noticed until much later had I not heard the chirping and went to investigate!

Re: Chirping to help others??
Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 9:46 pm
by landlubber
Yup, they can surely chirp when they are being attacked by other crabs-I have heard that scenario many times (although I've never heard chirping myself). I am so glad he made sure a ruckus and you saved him!
Re: Chirping to help others??
Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 9:48 pm
by Crabinski
He should be fine but keeping him in ISO for a few days is good idea. Is any of his exo left? If so, offer it to him along with tasty post-molt foods (honey, peanut butter, calcium...cuttlebone flakes or crushed eggshells) to ensure that his new exo hardens properly. Be sure to give him a dip in the FW pool to get that yummy just-molted smell off before releasing him back into the main tank.
Re: Chirping to help others??
Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 10:37 pm
by Nch0202
Nope...none of his exo left...he had surfaced briefly a few days ago and then went back down right near the surface which I assume is why the bully attacked. The front of his legs and his big pincher look pretty raw which is why is in iso with lots of protein and calcium...poor thing.
It actually was not the one being attacked doing the was a third one not involved which is what amazed me so much!:)
Thank you:)
Re: Chirping to help others??
Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 7:51 pm
by mlakers
I wish we knew if they ever had been known to call for help for another crab. Personally, I would believe it. Most pack animals will call for the defense of other members of the pack. Or maybe the chirper was yelling at the bully, "Stop it!"

I do tend to anthropomorphize, but it's not a stretch to believe they help one another. Ive seen what looked like empathetic behavior between them before--moving out of the way so another could get by, "visiting" a new addition to the tank who is hiding as if encouraging the other to come out....that sort of thing. So, I'd buy it.

Re: Chirping to help others??
Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 8:44 pm
by Nch0202
i agree! I wouldn't put it past them to help each other