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Advice needed...

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 5:04 pm
by Krusty2015
I have one PP and I know he needs a friend. I just don't know how to get him one. I have been actively watching the adoptions page for weeks and nothing in my area lately. I REALLY don't want to buy from a pet store I can't even go near the hermits at petsmart. I don't want him to get lonely but he seems to enjoy being king of the tat right now but I know he still needs a friend. He is barely a medium crab.

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Re: Advice needed...

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 7:58 pm
by wodesorel
Do you have an adopters post in your state's topic in the Adoptions forum? Did you give a specific location of where you're able to adopt? I'm back on as adoption coordinator. I go to the HCA lists and then to the people who have messaged us wanting to adopt on Facebook first (so long as they gave a state when responding) and then post the adoptions publicly if nothing private can be arranged. Let me know where you are and I'll keep an eye out!

Also check craigslist and your local Facebook Buy Sell Trade groups. FB classifieds get much more activity than craigslist in my area.

Re: Advice needed...

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 7:59 pm
by wodesorel
Also - adoptions will be high for the next month. Christmas presents and kids getting them with Christmas money and then loosing interest fast. January and then July-August (summer vacay and kids going back to school/college) are our busiest rehoming times.

Re: Advice needed...

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 4:16 pm
by jclee
Stay patient. Wodesorel is right that there will be many Christmas Crabs going up for adoption once people start realizing how much work the little guys take. All of my crabs were adopted through HCA or through craigslist, and I greatly appreciated the adoptions. Aside from feeling better without fueling the wild-caught pet trade, adoptions allowed me to find crabs that were already acclimated to their captive life, having been through a previous owner. They were healthy and happy and they thrive in my tank. It is a relief not to worry about a newly-imported crab who's not adjusting well to the new stresses of captivity. If need be, it's worth waiting a month or two to get your crab a new friend. Something will definitely come along. ;)

Edit: I just remembered that, at one point, I had posted to craigslist that I was willing to adopt unwanted hermit crabs. Two of my adoptees came to me this way from a mother who'd long ago taken over her son's pets. It hadn't occurred to her to look for a new home before she saw the listing, but they weren't getting much attention any more, and they were becoming a bit of a burden to her. She contacted me and decided to re-home them with me. You could always post a local listing to the pets section that briefly details your setup (with pictures, even), your amount of experience, and your hope to find your little guy a new buddy or two. You might get some replies, particularly from people who have crabs but haven't (yet) found a site like this.