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Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 3:24 pm
by anann
So when I got up and turned on the lights in my crabitat this morning I noticed that part of my lid had been pulled apart and was plenty open for a crab to clime through. And only 3 of my 5 crabs were visible. I fairly quickly found Skibbereen in the next room, but Clonakilty is still missing.

I've looked under the furniture, in the plants ,and in any other place I can think of. I put some almond butter out with a hide in hope of luring him out, but I've seen and heard nothing so far. I know he could be buried in the substrate, but none of my crabs spend time underground. They spend their days quietly on top of different climbers and hides, which is where the other four are now. And there weren't new holes of sunken areas in the sub. And they didn't do much rearranging last night. I particularly fear an escape since Skibbereen was out of the tank this morning.

The problem is outside the tank but I'll still answer the questions.

1. I have a mix of play sand and ee, I tried to do 5:1 sand to ee but I defiantly have more sand than ee. It's about 8 inches deep (about 4 times deeper that my biggest crab).

2. Right now it is 83 f and 99% humidity. It stays in the 80s for temp and rarely goes below 80% humidity.

3. There is a uth on the back of the tank, although it is currently off because it is hot here.

4. Both fresh and salt water in about 1quart pools with bubblers. I use api tap water conditioner and then add instant ocean for the salt water (per box instructions). I keep them full most of the week and fully clean them out once a week.

5. I feed a mix of fresh and dried foods. Fresh are changed out every 1-2 days based on how they look and include fresh fruits, vegetables, and a frozen marine fish food that has seafood mostly. I have a selection of dried foods mostly from people who are active on this forum. They always have a bowl of calcium as well.

6. I adopted this crab a week ago. It is a pp I think a small-medium size.

7. Not with me

8. 55 g glass aquarium. The lids are hinged glass lids but I couldn't find ones that were wide enough so right now I have sedan wrap taped over the rear part of the tank (I'm planning to get glass or plexi cut to fit properly soon). The tape had been unstuck from one area and this is where the escape happened. I have since resealed it.

9. 5 crabs, all small-medium. 3 pps and 2 es.

10. I haven't counted but around 15? My new adoptees are a size that I'm short on and am planning to order some when I get payed next. The escaper has enjoyed changing shells every couple days.

11. Not that I'm aware of

12. I spot clean spilled food and such

13. No sponges

14. About a week ago when I adopted these crabs I went from a 10 gallon to the 55 gallon. Most of the objects are things I've used in the past but everything is new.

15. I try to be hands off. Just rearranging, and changing food and water, and removing old feed.

My escaped crab situation is described at the top.

Re: Escape

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 5:55 pm
by anann
Ok, don't panic. Clonakilty didn't get out after all and is safe in the crabitat. I was just so worried after finding Skibbereen in the other room. I feel better now and should get back to those chores I was supposed to do instead of looking for a crab...

Re: Escape

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 6:27 pm
by mool
In the event of a future escape, check the bathroom. They go to where it's moist/humid.

Re: Escape

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 7:12 pm
by anann
That makes sense, but today was hot and humid everywhere. I guess that's good in terms a crab getting out - the living room felt a bit too much like the crabitat so Skibbereen probably felt right at home.

Re: Escape

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 12:51 pm
by marandashermies
yes, as mool stated, check the bathroom. My Gary escapes all the time. He thinks its a game. I always find him under my bed or in my bathroom trying to get into the cat's water dish. Glad you found him!