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Repeat Molt so Soon?

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 11:30 pm
by JulieK0311
Hi! Molting question here.. I have 5 crabbies in 20g tank, the first one arrived back in July and the last one in Sept. Since then, 3 have molted successfully! Yay! The last two that haven't molted yet dug down about a week ago and seem to be down for their molts. The strange thing is that my first molter (who's good buddies with the other two who are down-under), went back under 3 days ago and I haven't seen her since. She molted only 2 months ago so it seems way too soon for her to molt again, right? Could she be molting again so soon or is it something to be worried about??


Re: Repeat Molt so Soon?

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 11:38 pm
by Rawrgeous
Congrats on the successful molts. Back to back molts are not uncommon. Sometimes they just dig down to chill out too, or could be coming out at night. I wouldn't be concerned.

Re: Repeat Molt so Soon?

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 11:04 am
by JulieK0311
Thanks! My other two seem so lonely with 3 underground :(

Re: Repeat Molt so Soon?

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 11:56 am
by Rawrgeous
Even though they are underground they know they are there. :)

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