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Why won't my crabs eat?!

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 9:57 am
by Ijustcantsayno
Hi everyone! I'm a newbie here. I have had hermie's in the past and never had any issues. But this time around they just won't eat. I currently have 10 crabs, various sizes, all PP. humidity is hovering between 80-85%, temp is probably a little low, just below 80 but if i turn the heater on it will be to warm. Access to both fresh and saltwater. Out of 10 crabs 4 are usually at the surface. The other 6...well they are tunneling in the sand and haven't graced me with their presence in 3 weeks. I can hear them moving and digging so I don't think i have any molters ATM. Either way, i know better than to go digging for them. I have offered everything i can think of and the food dish is completely untouched. Not even one tiny speck of sand in it. The water dishes are trashed nightly so I know they are at least drinking. Food is offered in large shells that i found at the beach and boiled to kill any germs. Should i change the dish? Shoukd i buy food from the petstore? I tried offering sun dries krill and even that went untouched. Apples, peanut butter, chicken, fish, honey, fresh coconut (opening the cocoonut had the kids laughing, those things are hard!) just to name a few offerings. All were ignored completely.
Any tips, tricks or advice is most appreciated!

Re: Why won't my crabs eat?!

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2017 3:37 pm
by Happyhermiehome
Hello and welcome! :D
U could try something suuuuuper stinky like canned crab meat, tuna or sardines. Also get the temp up a bit might help. My guys are most active when the temp is around 85. They might be eating other things in the tank too like moss and drift wood my crabs do this all the time. They could be dragging bits of food off and hiding it for later withought making a mess of the dish as well.

Re: Why won't my crabs eat?!

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2017 11:41 pm
by LadyJinglyJones
Crabs crave different things at different times.

Have you tried offering dried flowers (such as chamomile, clover, or calendula), or leaf litter (dried maple & oak are common faves)? Birch bark may also attract them.

As might organic worm castings. Poop is something they rely on in the wild. Deer, rabbit, guinea pig, or insect frass may work.

In the wild these are major constituents of a crabby diet.

They also raid bird nests in the wild, so try eggs - the yolk contains cholesterol that they need but that their bodies can't manufacture (unlike mamals). Cooked or raw, left in the shell (with albumin) could tempt them... give it a try. Can't hurt (though it can get reeeeeeally smelly. :smt019 ).

Also, carrots are a perennial fave in one of my tanks. Octopus legs & dried duck (with bone & skin... it's a dog treat) too.

Freeze dried or frozen bloodworms from the fish section of pet stores are popular. Just read labels to avoid harmful preservatives.

Either way, just keep offering different things... eventually they'll have to eat. :)

Re: Why won't my crabs eat?!

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2017 1:18 am
by Just Jay
I couldnt agree more. Im going on day five no food touched from the dish. I do see them eating sub, wood and live plants instead.

Re: Why won't my crabs eat?!

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 11:33 am
by Hermiesguardian
LadyJinglyJones wrote:Crabs crave different things at different times.

Have you tried offering dried flowers (such as chamomile, clover, or calendula), or leaf litter (dried maple & oak are common faves)? Birch bark may also attract them.

As might organic worm castings. Poop is something they rely on in the wild. Deer, rabbit, guinea pig, or insect frass may work.

In the wild these are major constituents of a crabby diet.

They also raid bird nests in the wild, so try eggs - the yolk contains cholesterol that they need but that their bodies can't manufacture (unlike mamals). Cooked or raw, left in the shell (with albumin) could tempt them... give it a try. Can't hurt (though it can get reeeeeeally smelly. :smt019 ).

Also, carrots are a perennial fave in one of my tanks. Octopus legs & dried duck (with bone & skin... it's a dog treat) too.

Freeze dried or frozen bloodworms from the fish section of pet stores are popular. Just read labels to avoid harmful preservatives.

Either way, just keep offering different things... eventually they'll have to eat. :)
Where would I get dried flowers and poop?

Re: Why won't my crabs eat?!

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 12:36 pm
by LadyJinglyJones
For dried flowers you have a few options: if you garden (indoors or out) by using natural fertilizers like sheep poop as opposed to bottled ferts or fertilizer stakes, you can use safe list flowers that you harvest. (Avoid greenhouse plants, unfortunately, unless you have access to an organic florist - those aren't super common.)

My mother grows roses (using bonemeal), and when I visit her, & she isn't looking, I'll snip a couple off furtively, hide them in my purse & dry them upside down at home. (I'm not condoning theft per se... this behaviour carries the risk of being denied baked goods & arousing maternal ire... but it stands as an example of... creative... ways of aquiring 'wild' harvested flowers. :wink: )

Healthfood stores and organics stores (even Walmart's organic section perhaps) will sell bags of dried flowers for tea or decoctions. Look for the flowers mentioned above.

Many of the small, online crab food companies (many are on etsy, or have their own sites) offer great flower blends in crab-appropriate volumes and prices that are reasonable. You can find them in our shopping resources list. :) (honestly, this is probably your best course of action... these are made by people who are passionate about about crabs, hang out on crab forums, and understand hermit dietary needs... also, you risk no parental fire & brimstone when you order online.) A couple of our mods & administration have shops. It's fun to check them out & see the variety and crativity that goes into their crab recipes.

As for poop - can be a little trickier.

Organic earthworm castings count as frass, and as they mostly come in huge bags, can double as a gardening fert. Online stores mentioned above often offer crab sized baggies.

Other gardening ferts include bat guanno (not the cheapest though). GotButterflies atests to this.

I have a lizard I feed silk worms... I'll rear them for several days & collect their frass. I also offer my gecko's poop occasionally.

Friends with guinea pigs or rabbits (healthy & not on meds - we can't know how unknown chemicals passed through the animals might affect crabs) can be solicited.

(I guess you could put up a craigslist add... but I feel like that's maybe asking for trouble. :smt108 )

A nature hike might yield deer or moose poop you can bag, if that's an option. A quick internet search can teach you how to i.d. animal poop.... this ability can become a lasting point of pride that you can brag about. :wink:

And finally, the last time I wistfully looked at Alaskan Hermit (our admin, wolfnipplechips's online store... that, sniff, doesn't ship to Canada), deer poop was an option.

Creativity comes in hand when sourcing the odder items that our omnivorous scavenger babies eat.

For me, it's part of the great fun of crabbing!! :D

Re: Why won't my crabs eat?!

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 5:39 pm
by Hermiesguardian
LadyJinglyJones wrote:For dried flowers you have a few options: if you garden (indoors or out) by using natural fertilizers like sheep poop as opposed to bottled ferts or fertilizer stakes, you can use safe list flowers that you harvest. (Avoid greenhouse plants, unfortunately, unless you have access to an organic florist - those aren't super common.)

My mother grows roses (using bonemeal), and when I visit her, & she isn't looking, I'll snip a couple off furtively, hide them in my purse & dry them upside down at home. (I'm not condoning theft per se... this behaviour carries the risk of being denied baked goods & arousing maternal ire... but it stands as an example of... creative... ways of aquiring 'wild' harvested flowers. :wink: )

Healthfood stores and organics stores (even Walmart's organic section perhaps) will sell bags of dried flowers for tea or decoctions. Look for the flowers mentioned above.

Many of the small, online crab food companies (many are on etsy, or have their own sites) offer great flower blends in crab-appropriate volumes and prices that are reasonable. You can find them in our shopping resources list. :) (honestly, this is probably your best course of action... these are made by people who are passionate about about crabs, hang out on crab forums, and understand hermit dietary needs... also, you risk no parental fire & brimstone when you order online.) A couple of our mods & administration have shops. It's fun to check them out & see the variety and crativity that goes into their crab recipes.

As for poop - can be a little trickier.

Organic earthworm castings count as frass, and as they mostly come in huge bags, can double as a gardening fert. Online stores mentioned above often offer crab sized baggies.

Other gardening ferts include bat guanno (not the cheapest though). GotButterflies atests to this.

I have a lizard I feed silk worms... I'll rear them for several days & collect their frass. I also offer my gecko's poop occasionally.

Friends with guinea pigs or rabbits (healthy & not on meds - we can't know how unknown chemicals passed through the animals might affect crabs) can be solicited.

(I guess you could put up a craigslist add... but I feel like that's maybe asking for trouble. :smt108 )

A nature hike might yield deer or moose poop you can bag, if that's an option. A quick internet search can teach you how to i.d. animal poop.... this ability can become a lasting point of pride that you can brag about. :wink:

And finally, the last time I wistfully looked at Alaskan Hermit (our admin, wolfnipplechips's online store... that, sniff, doesn't ship to Canada), deer poop was an option.

Creativity comes in hand when sourcing the odder items that our omnivorous scavenger babies eat.

For me, it's part of the great fun of crabbing!! :D
I have some knock-out rose bushes. I assume they are a hybrid. I don't use any pesticides. Would those be ok? I'm going to check out my local health food store.

Re: Why won't my crabs eat?!

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 5:41 pm
by LadyJinglyJones
Roses petals a solid - go for it. :)

Try out the rose hips too.