Won't come out of shell, flipping onto back

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Won't come out of shell, flipping onto back

Post by kfinnz » Fri Nov 24, 2017 1:31 pm

One of my crabs has started acting real odd real fast over the past couple days. I noticed someone was flipped over on their back. I flipped him over so he could go hide or w/e he wanted to do but after five minutes he wouldn't come out of his shell to walk. Waited another five, stubborn bugger wouldn't move. Now I did pick him up and lightly touch a limb (which seemed paler but I could be imagining it he's been buried for awhile) just to make sure he was alive and he moved so he's not dead or anything. Put him into the iso tank to keep an eye on him and he STILL has not moved ANY. In fact a couple times I've found him yet again flipped on his back. He's still obviously alive but I'm not sure what could cause this behavior or if it's unusual. He has not eaten or moved from the coconut hut either, I smoothed the sand out so I could tell if he came out but there's been no change to it. I did do an entire substrate redo earlier in the week and he was one I had to dig up but he did not seem to be molting and was acting normal afterwards. Could he just be stressed out from the hecticness and be trying to rest?

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Re: Won't come out of shell, flipping onto back

Post by wodesorel » Fri Nov 24, 2017 3:01 pm

He is likely still somewhere in the molting process. Did you find any shed exo where he was buried? Keep him in isolation to protect him from the others and make sure the temp and humidity is good. Use a cocohut or a bowl or something to cover him to make it dark. He could be at either end of molting and they can take weeks to recover to where they are able to move again. Darkness will help them with that process, and if there is enough substrate in the iso they will dig out once they are finished.
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Re: Won't come out of shell, flipping onto back

Post by kfinnz » Fri Nov 24, 2017 3:42 pm

No exo with him that I found. When I pulled them up I was deff checking for that in case they had/were molting. He's got good temp and humidity rn and food and water just in case, figured doesn't hurt to make sure it's available should he need it. Turned his coconut hut so the door faces away from my window and put a shirt over the top of the tank for both warmth and to make it darker. He hasn't dug down or anything yet but I'll keep an eye on him and hopefully over a few weeks he'll be doing good :)

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Re: Won't come out of shell, flipping onto back

Post by GotButterflies » Fri Nov 24, 2017 7:04 pm

Good luck! :)
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