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E getting ready to molt or just settling in?

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 9:02 pm
by Ijustcantsayno
I recently purchased a couple E’s. All of my crabbie experience has been with PP’s until recently. One of the E’s is spending lots of time eating (and making a huge mess of the food), drinking salt water, and picking at the cuttlebone. He came home with toenails, and hasn’t dug down at all that I’ve seen yet. Both of my E’s seem to prefer being as high up as they can get rather than digging. Premolt? Or just super hungry and settling in?

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Re: E getting ready to molt or just settling in?

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 9:33 pm
by Moonlightdreams
I've never had an E before, only PPs, and haven't experienced a molt yet, so I can't be of much help here, sorry. Congratulations on your new additions, though! :crabbigsmile: Would love to see them sometime! :)

Re: E getting ready to molt or just settling in?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 6:47 am
by Ijustcantsayno
Moonlightdreams wrote:I've never had an E before, only PPs, and haven't experienced a molt yet, so I can't be of much help here, sorry. Congratulations on your new additions, though! :crabbigsmile: Would love to see them sometime! :)

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Re: E getting ready to molt or just settling in?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 8:29 am
by GotButterflies
Es are funny little guys!! I love them! They are my favorite crabs! I have 8 now. :) It sounds like your guy could be preparing for a molt, or could just be displaying normal crabby behavior. Es LOVE msw!!! :) I can't say I've really ever seen mine around the fw...

Either way - congrats on your new guys. With Es, I recommend a minimum of 10gallons each. Make sure you have a minimum of 10-12" of substrate for these guys - they are avid diggers! Provide lots of protein and calcium for them as well. I give my guys at least two choices a day - and I have never had any problems with them by following the above mentioned guidelines.

Re: E getting ready to molt or just settling in?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 9:02 am
by Moonlightdreams
What a cutie! :D

Re: E getting ready to molt or just settling in?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 11:14 am
by Ijustcantsayno
GotButterflies wrote:Es are funny little guys!! I love them! They are my favorite crabs! I have 8 now. :) It sounds like your guy could be preparing for a molt, or could just be displaying normal crabby behavior. Es LOVE msw!!! :) I can't say I've really ever seen mine around the fw...

Either way - congrats on your new guys. With Es, I recommend a minimum of 10gallons each. Make sure you have a minimum of 10-12" of substrate for these guys - they are avid diggers! Provide lots of protein and calcium for them as well. I give my guys at least two choices a day - and I have never had any problems with them by following the above mentioned guidelines.
Oh, they get plenty of protein, courtesy of your etsy shop (i think it was your shop) and a sample pack I ordered. So far everything except the apple and banana has been a hit, but i blame that on me giving them fresh slightly over ripe fruit almost daily. I haven’t seen them so much as look at my freshwater pool, so I’m happy to hear that seems normal. I also have cuttlebone on each end of the tank and crushed shells for them to munch on. So far they refuse to dig and almost seem to dislike the sand on their legs. Silly crabbies. I have to say they are very entertaining and much more active than my PP’s. If i had another tank or a larger tank i would go get more but pretty sure I’ve hit my max crabs in 1 tank.

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Re: E getting ready to molt or just settling in?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 11:19 am
by Ijustcantsayno
Moonlightdreams wrote:What a cutie! :D
Thank you. Image

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Re: E getting ready to molt or just settling in?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 11:30 am
by AwesomeHermit
I also have an E!

Re: E getting ready to molt or just settling in?

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 6:39 am
by piratetoothgir
I used to have two, but they actually both died. I wasn’t experienced with their care that greatly, but it’s a different story how they ended of dead.

Re: E getting ready to molt or just settling in?

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 10:24 am
by GotButterflies
Ijustcantsayno wrote:
GotButterflies wrote:Es are funny little guys!! I love them! They are my favorite crabs! I have 8 now. :) It sounds like your guy could be preparing for a molt, or could just be displaying normal crabby behavior. Es LOVE msw!!! :) I can't say I've really ever seen mine around the fw...

Either way - congrats on your new guys. With Es, I recommend a minimum of 10gallons each. Make sure you have a minimum of 10-12" of substrate for these guys - they are avid diggers! Provide lots of protein and calcium for them as well. I give my guys at least two choices a day - and I have never had any problems with them by following the above mentioned guidelines.
Oh, they get plenty of protein, courtesy of your etsy shop (i think it was your shop) and a sample pack I ordered. So far everything except the apple and banana has been a hit, but i blame that on me giving them fresh slightly over ripe fruit almost daily. I haven’t seen them so much as look at my freshwater pool, so I’m happy to hear that seems normal. I also have cuttlebone on each end of the tank and crushed shells for them to munch on. So far they refuse to dig and almost seem to dislike the sand on their legs. Silly crabbies. I have to say they are very entertaining and much more active than my PP’s. If i had another tank or a larger tank i would go get more but pretty sure I’ve hit my max crabs in 1 tank.

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That’s great! Protein and calcium is key! Image

I don’t currently sell any fruits in my shop, but either way- I’m glad you found a great store! Image

Es are hilarious to watch! I enjoy them! Pps are great too, but there is something about Es that I just love! Image

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Re: E getting ready to molt or just settling in?

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 12:34 pm
by Ijustcantsayno
GotButterflies wrote:
Ijustcantsayno wrote:
GotButterflies wrote:Es are funny little guys!! I love them! They are my favorite crabs! I have 8 now. :) It sounds like your guy could be preparing for a molt, or could just be displaying normal crabby behavior. Es LOVE msw!!! :) I can't say I've really ever seen mine around the fw...

Either way - congrats on your new guys. With Es, I recommend a minimum of 10gallons each. Make sure you have a minimum of 10-12" of substrate for these guys - they are avid diggers! Provide lots of protein and calcium for them as well. I give my guys at least two choices a day - and I have never had any problems with them by following the above mentioned guidelines.
Oh, they get plenty of protein, courtesy of your etsy shop (i think it was your shop) and a sample pack I ordered. So far everything except the apple and banana has been a hit, but i blame that on me giving them fresh slightly over ripe fruit almost daily. I haven’t seen them so much as look at my freshwater pool, so I’m happy to hear that seems normal. I also have cuttlebone on each end of the tank and crushed shells for them to munch on. So far they refuse to dig and almost seem to dislike the sand on their legs. Silly crabbies. I have to say they are very entertaining and much more active than my PP’s. If i had another tank or a larger tank i would go get more but pretty sure I’ve hit my max crabs in 1 tank.

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That’s great! Protein and calcium is key! Image

I don’t currently sell any fruits in my shop, but either way- I’m glad you found a great store! Image

Es are hilarious to watch! I enjoy them! Pps are great too, but there is something about Es that I just love! Image

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I definitely see why E’s are your favorite. My 2 have shown more personality in a few weeks than any of the PP’s have in months. They are such cute little guys. I can’t just walk by, i have to stop and take a peek just to see what they are up to. I wish they would stay still long enough for me to get a good pic but nope, they just won’t do it.

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