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aggressive towards molter

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:42 pm
by bubblegumsweat
My biggest crab was disturbed while molting so i put him in an isolation tank and it’s been a while so i decided to put him back in the tank but when i put him back the other big ones immediately started attacking and sniped the tip of his leg off.
I have no idea what to do.
it’s been a while since i took him out of the tank and i finally decided he was ready to go back in.

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Re: aggressive towards molter

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 10:32 pm
by curlysister
Since he has been in a different tank, he might smell different than the original tank. Try giving everyone a quick dip in the freshwater so they all smell the same.

Re: aggressive towards molter

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2021 9:52 pm
by wodesorel
When they molt normal, they scrub any molting smell off of themselves as they dig upwards through the substrate. When they surface molt or get disturbed, they can retain that yummy molting odor for a while which makes them a target for other crabs. Bathing is always recommended for molters returning from isolation!